[14:41:10] Quick question: When you're running CLI jobs that require a wiki name as input, is the wiki name the same as the DB name? Or is there a different identifier? [14:47:00] I do notice that the manual for showJobs.php uses "frwiki" as an example, but where exactly would that identifier be set? [14:58:49] jfolv: unless you're running a wiki farm, there's no need to provide a wiki name when you're running an installation for a single wiki [14:59:30] I have 3 wikis. [14:59:34] That's why I need that. [15:02:01] They all run off the same files and display situationally based on URL (probably pretty similar to what WMF does, I imagine). [15:03:28] the identifier is probably the wiki database name, yes [15:09:45] Great, thanks! [15:17:01] jfolv: I agree with Vulpix; also, the Version.php maintenance script might be useful for nondestructive testing ^^ [15:17:40] or maybe eval.php and then `echo $wgSitename;` or something like that [15:30:06] Okay, I now have two different answers. Is it the $wgSitename (which I can easily find via config files, no need for eval), or is it the database name? [15:30:30] Additionally, I fail to see how "showJobs.php" is destructive. [15:31:59] I'm looking for stuck jobs on one of the 3 wikis. That's why I need that script. [15:33:15] it's $wgDBname or similar (actually wfWikiID() -- or whatever the hell that's called nowadays because the trend seems to be "short memorizable function names BAD!" -- which in most setups, unless $wgConf (IIRC) is set, is just $wgDBname under different name) [15:34:40] Thank you. I actually do have $wgConf set, since that's how we handle the separate configs. I imagine that means that it would be under the DBnames in there? [15:36:51] Oh, actually they aren't even set there. Never mind! [15:37:02] sorry to be confusing, I didn’t mean that the $wgSitename would replace it [15:37:08] it probably is the $wgDBname [15:37:27] I just meant $wgSitename as an example of another potential config to check that you got the right wiki [15:37:59] (since checking $wgDBname itself, when you already used that to launch eval.php, would be pretty much redundant ^^) [15:38:13] try it and see? :D I've never experimented with $wgConf myself, ShoutWiki uses a custom setup which allows passing in a full subdomain (the in http://.shoutwiki.com/) because that's easier to look up than our DB name format :-) [15:43:42] I've been trying a couple different things but I keep getting 0 jobs shown. I know that's not right, because I can see the number of jobs via the API. [15:45:02] This really wouldn't be much of a problem if I didn't need to fix a global rename that has been stuck for half a year.