[20:52:53] !staff I quit CVNBot14 ~3 hours ago and it has not rejoined [20:52:54] Thanks AntiComposite, staff have been notified of your request and should be around shortly to assist you. [20:53:30] AntiComposite: ack [20:55:21] cvn.cvn+ 4167 2.1 0.9 1018392 79880 ? Sl 06:11 18:42 /usr/bin/mono /srv/cvn/services/cvnbot/CVNBot14/CVNBot.exe [20:55:23] killed [20:56:52] up and speaking again, thanks [20:57:24] syslog: https://gist.github.com/Krinkle/810643161114d9910f34c94125600798 [20:57:55] quite unhappy. [20:58:09] All I can say for now is - help welcome with the python rewrite :) [20:58:28] or to improve RTRC to make the bot obsolete [20:58:43] or to magically concince WMF to make the CVNDB a special page (and leave the rest to RTRC/RCFilters) [20:59:44] those log entries are all from before I quit it [20:59:59] there was nothing after that [21:00:04] it kept running [21:00:20] it also wasnt authed with nickserv [21:00:27] so might've been a different process actually [21:02:13] it was speaking (unauthed and with a _ nick) until 12:09:21, which is when the IRC connection died