[00:12:49] !staff CVNBot18 stopped [00:12:50] Thanks Joan, staff have been notified of your request and should be around shortly to assist you. [00:16:27] Joan, restarted [00:16:36] Ty! [03:09:18] AntiComposite: I'm trying to figure out what these issues could be correlated with. I feel like before ~12 months ago things were much smoother [03:09:34] Maybe the move to Libera chat, different limits? [03:10:11] that would be the big change, but why would that affect the irc.wm.o side? [03:11:58] I'm not sure. I agree it seems to be more the source than the feed output where the problems lie. But I also can't rule out a possible way in which one affects the other [03:12:20] Perhaps some kind of shared lock is causing it to not be able to ping/pong and gets disconnected [03:12:57] Also, the ircwmo server was upgraded. It's possible that it has stricter or otherwise different requirements that our outdated library isn't meeting somehow [16:55:07] !staff CVNBot18 stopped [16:55:08] Thanks Joan, staff have been notified of your request and should be around shortly to assist you. [17:08:23] Restarted. [17:20:55] Ty!