[01:24:34] !staff CVNBot18 stopped [01:24:35] Thanks Joan, staff have been notified of your request and should be around shortly to assist you. [01:43:25] Joan, restarted [03:04:42] Ty! [16:30:05] !staff CVNBot18 keeps stopping [16:30:05] Thanks Joan, staff have been notified of your request and should be around shortly to assist you. [16:41:32] Joan restart order issued. I'll ping Krinkle for follow up. [16:53:09] yeah it's a known issue [16:54:29] what happens is that the connection to irc.wikimedia.org drops, but doesn't come back up when the bots try to reconnect automatically [16:55:44] happens most often on CVNBot14 and 18 but affects all, not completely sure why but working theory is that it's related to a flood of recent changes [17:01:24] https://github.com/countervandalism/CVNBot/issues/72