[15:04:23] !staff Got some more whitelist/blacklist confusion. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:PlanespotterA320 shows whitelisted, but CVNBot1 shows blacklisted due to a block 80 minutes ago. Isn't a whitelisting supposed to trump a blacklisting? Or is that only for tempblocks? Slash am I misremembering? [15:04:24] Thanks Tamzin, staff have been notified of your request and should be around shortly to assist you. [15:04:50] for posterity https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/0MkqCqVa/image.png [16:11:27] Tamzin: I believe bl correctly sorts higher. However it might be that the intel gadget missed that event. The gadget is bound to CVNBot14 (commons), which behind the scenes is supposed to receive events from all other bots, but it can miss some events if it is temporarily restarted [16:12:30] This issue would go away if we switch to a shared mysql DB instead of per-bot databases. [16:12:50] That would require time from someone able and willing to develop and test some C# code