[12:32:42] [[Directors Noticeboard/June2022-1-Minutes]] on botswiki was edited by SamuelK (FOSSBots) with the following comment: upload public minutes copy Link: https://wiki.fossbots.org/w/index.php?oldid=4921&rcid=1828 [12:33:43] [[Directors Noticeboard]] on botswiki was edited by SamuelK (FOSSBots) with the following comment: /* June 2022 */ Add link to minutes Link: https://wiki.fossbots.org/w/index.php?diff=4922&oldid=4920&rcid=1829 [12:37:38] Back in 2021, I learnt that FOSSBot (MirahezeBots) back then, hosts only fully automated bots, has that by any chance changed now? [12:44:21] ugochimobi: the setup needs to be something that can be in puppet [12:44:32] we don't allow ad hoc tasks yet [12:44:46] what do you need an ad hoc task for