[18:20:49] NetworkBridge was enabled [18:20:49] @bridge-on [18:21:00] test [19:28:20] petan: is the plan to eventually shut this channel down? [21:17:28] I don't know, we can probably "shut it down" in a sense that we recommend using the one on libera as primary one, but given that freenode is still so much bigger, I suppose it's easier for most users to use freenode's one... it's not like some extra overhead, we don't need to pay anything for having 2 channels :) [21:17:41] anyway first step would be to rename all references to freenode IRC channel [21:18:04] also not sure if libera even has a webchat [21:18:19] freenode had this simple stupid one that was good for IRC newbies [21:20:34] also, there is 8 people on libera version of this channel only [21:21:08] two of them being bots, so 6 people