[03:02:02] is there a channel for huggle dev? [03:02:06] i've found the issue with the IRC feed. [03:03:16] i have a patch that fixes the issue, too. [03:05:13] however, it is in a third party dependency (libirc). [03:27:21] https://github.com/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/pull/375 [03:27:28] this fixes the IRC feed for me [03:31:18] 10Huggle, 06Infrastructure-Foundations, 06SRE: IRC recent changes provider fails in Huggle after recent irc.wikimedia.org upgrade - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T378667#10287194 (10Crazycomputers) I tracked down the issue on the Huggle side. The library Huggle uses for IRC (libirc) expects the MYINFO co...