[10:16:13] tracked down https://gitlab.com/legoktm/clover-diff [10:16:41] Hm? [10:17:16] legoktm: I'm trying to find out how to use absolute lins in the coverage checks, rather than percentage. [10:18:34] That would make the coverage report in CI more useful, as in "you added untested lines", rather than "you may have added untested lines or maybe removed tested lines". [10:18:34] Ah cool, patches welcome [10:18:44] :) [10:19:00] https://gitlab.com/legoktm/clover-diff/-/commit/c5922fac6931b48d0f9fb50b1ddebbd3aeaa50a6 [10:19:05] legoktm: can I just change it, or is b/c a requirement? [10:20:08] Go for it, we'll just use a semver major version [10:20:50] ha, nice find apergos! [10:20:55] :-) [10:21:38] legoktm: so, looks like it's already an option in clover... I guess I'll then just change phpunit-patch-coverage to use that option? [10:21:56] Heh, 3 years ago! [10:22:00] Guess so [10:22:45] I vaguely recall a conversation with you about this at the office in SF, three years ago soudns about right [10:23:19] Will take a bit to wrap my head around where to make the incision. [10:24:18] :D [10:24:21] * legoktm afk [10:36:54] apergos, legoktm: hm, looking at the master branch, it seems to already be using the "lines" mode. But i can't run it to confirm, it seems broken... [10:37:04] Needs more investigation. What version are we even using in prod? [10:40:32] huh [10:46:49] (sorry, watching the team meeting video now since I was in a course at the time) [12:23:46] duesen: let me know when you're around