[11:20:55] TimStarling: there were no other entries for multiple request IDs apart from that trace [11:21:48] there obviously is an exception, you can see it on the page, right? [11:25:53] TimStarling: I can see that it's throwing one but nothing else was logged [11:31:10] if you comment out the warning you will probably see the same exception without any log entry [11:34:05] TimStarling: do you have any idea why it wouldn't log [11:35:57] most likely your logging configuration is broken [11:36:12] I am looking through the relevant source, not many other possible explanations [11:37:05] exception logging happens before reporting, and reporting apparently works [11:37:30] reporting as in showing the error message in the page [11:38:07] you could set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true [11:41:41] TimStarling: isn't that supposed to have privacy implications [11:43:18] maybe in combination with an unlikely series of events [11:43:22] not saying enable it all the time [11:44:21] for years we had exception details on wikipedia, and I don't think there was ever a concrete security bug relating to it, just creeping paranoia [11:45:23] there are other ways to approach this if you don't like that method [11:46:02] What's the other ways [11:46:15] While I decide which I dislike least [11:47:11] you can isolate the logging issue -- maybe have a script that throws an exception and see where the exception goes [11:47:42] you can disable MW's exception handler by commenting out the MWExceptionHandler::installHandler() in Setup.php, and let PHP do its thing [11:48:03] Some exceptions must work as many have been found since 1.38 upgrade [11:49:39] you could set up a parallel logging system, say file_put_contents('/tmp/exception.log', $e->getMessage() . "\t" . $e->getTraceAsSstring() . "\n", FILE_APPEND ) [11:50:24] insert it at the top of the exception handler MWExceptionHandler::handleUncaughtException() [11:51:17] Could it be something broken with throwing a warning + exception in 1 request that makes it break? [11:52:27] sure, but you need to know what the exception is to narrow that down [11:53:58] maybe no exception is really thrown, maybe an exception is just created and reported [11:55:01] here are some suspicious calls to MWExceptionRenderer::output() in MWLBFactory.php [11:55:41] not quite matching your symptoms but I guess it could be something similar [11:56:18] Okay [11:56:27] Thanks for the help