[01:22:29] Reedy: hmm did it move out to an optionally compiled php extension again? https://stackoverflow.com/a/20904755 RE: css min change [01:23:01] Let me find you the relevant line [01:23:50] Krinkle: mime_content_type() in CSSMin.php [01:24:04] line 217 [01:25:01] Ack I'm aware we call it. But we don't use the (once optional) file info extension proper. I thought mime_content_type was core. [01:26:37] Hmm I see it's in core ext-fileinfo enabled by default but can be disabled at compile time indeed [01:27:04] So not a hinder to require of users [01:29:07] I figured this wasn't part of the file info part but in core core, because it was in php core back when file info was a Pecl package still [01:29:10] Weird. [01:29:43] A lot of these seem to be "why would you do this" [01:29:50] But some OS do some very weird packaging.... [01:30:31] So when they moved into core php from https://pecl.php.net/package/Fileinfo they moved another core function out into the related fileinfo C files? [01:31:06] It doesn't need to be optional as the caveats don't apply to that particular function afaik. Oh well