[12:35:24] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/07IZogX8/ [12:35:29] php maintenance/generateLocalAutoload.php [12:35:29] PHP Warning: require(/Users/krinkle/Development/mediawiki/includes/dao/IDBAccessObject.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Users/krinkle/Development/mediawiki/includes/AutoLoader.php on line 222 [12:35:49] I'm moving a file within core, and regenerating the autoloader fails as a result during Setup.php. [12:36:12] Looks unexpected that it would be calling SessionManager::singleton during Setup from a CLI script [12:36:39] but maybe this is just inherent to the script, i.e. it never works if you move or rename files that are used during Setup [16:59:51] is it intentional that SelectQueryBuilder takes an IDatabase instead of an IReadableDatabase or has that just not been updated yet? [17:44:53] taavi: it is, because it is valid to select from a primary connection sometimes, eg to inform writes, which calls methods that are not in that readable interface. Phan would report the one or two violations if tried (I tried a few weeks ago as I didn't realise either) [18:35:41] I do like how inclusive https://www.home-assistant.io/developers/credits/ is [18:35:52] (I know we do something similar for MW core, but a little more hidden) [19:36:21] "This page is irregularly updated […] This page was last updated Wednesday, November 16 2022" [19:36:24] checks out :D