[12:53:38] on the resourceloader dashboard, the inm satisfaction ratio seems to have taken a small hit, see https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000402/resourceloader-alerts?orgId=1&from=now-2d&to=now and I'm wondering that means anything concerning or not. it does look like maybe some new version of resources went around just about the time of the large dip, since there was a deploy then. comments welcome... [14:09:15] apergos: check the (i) bubble on that panel. Does it correlate with the big group2 deploy this week? [14:09:42] there was a deploy then, as noted in my comment [14:09:47] sync-versions [14:10:08] ack, the bubble says somethign about that too. [14:12:23] 19:12 is the timestamp for the deploy completion according to SAL, I sort of assumed it was the train deploy [14:12:49] The "Show deployments" annotation helps with the alignment as well. [14:13:40] yeah, so this is expected for that time of the week, so long as the recovery is going well. [14:14:06] it's back up to 70%, if it reaches 80% in another day, the green line won't go down, all good :) [14:14:48] okey dokey [14:15:07] I did have show deployments set of course