[07:25:52] WordPress has a relatively new CI job thats kind of like Fresnel but for backend metrics. https://github.com/WordPress/wordpress-develop/actions/runs/8953571979/job/24592231132 [07:25:59] https://github.com/marketplace/actions/wp-performance-tests [07:26:06] https://make.wordpress.org/core/2024/05/03/roadmap-to-6-6/ [08:58:42] pmiazga: ES 10.0 = ES2019 https://262.ecma-international.org/10.0/ [12:09:35] Bonjour, je voudrais utiliser mediawiki comme un bloc note personnel en ligne et je n'ai pas besoin de l'onglets "discussion", comment le supprime t-on définitivement ? [12:16:17] hi, I would like to use mediawiki as a personal online notepad and I don't need the “talk” tab, how do I delete it permanently? [12:17:39] hmm, that might not be possible [12:20:33] you can add more tabs: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:NamespaceRelations but i didn't find any extension or config setting that would let you remove them. sorry [12:29:22] I've just seen the subject and it's not what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway. [12:30:04] alrito28: On [[MediaWiki:Common.css]] you can `#ca-talk { display: none; }` to hide it. [12:30:33] It will not prevent it 100% surely, but for 99% it will work, and if your wiki is not publically editable, then you are 100% of it anyway :) [12:59:39] Thank you very much Krindle ;) [13:00:34] Thank you very much Krinkle ;)