[00:12:25] Oh javascript, oh javascript. `var item = 'error'; var array = [ 'error' ]; item.includes(array); // true` [00:12:37] note it should be the other way around, `array.includes(item)` [00:13:17] but it works because String#includes() also exists, and it forces the array value to become a string, and Array.toString = join(',') which means ['error'].toString() === 'error' [00:13:27] and 'foo'.includes('foo') is obviously true [00:13:33] it works until you add a second item to the array. [20:04:28] Krinkle: reminds me of having to write a Tcl plugin once [20:04:32] "In contrast with other languages, in Tcl a list is not a data structure, but a string that is in a format derived from the rules of Tcl. The various list routines understand that format, and implement operations that can be perfomed on the list."