[17:33:58] hey tgr (not urgent) I was looking at the code in your comment at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T378401#10307273 and specifically at $status = new PermissionStatus(); and then wondering why in https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core/+/bcce4c9b5656b8d2a51cdd1a46497a684ce18f7b/includes/api/ApiQueryUserInfo.php#280 newEmpty() is called (static) instead, I'm probably overlooking something obvious ... [17:38:10] apergos: PermissionStatus and StatusValue both don't have a (declared) constructor. Comparing `new PermissionStatus` to `PermissionStatus::newEmpty` in Codesearch Everywhere with excludes=test, newEmpty is notably more common. [17:38:19] https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/search/?q=new+PermissionStatus&files=&excludeFiles=test&repos= [17:38:29] https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/search/?q=PermissionStatus%3A%3AnewEmpty&files=&excludeFiles=test&repos= [17:39:05] ok so that's the statistical data... :-) [17:39:13] The two are equivalent, but arguably newEmpty is the explicit and supported/documented API. [17:39:22] gtk ty [17:39:46] PermissionStatus does not have @newable, so in theory that's unstable to construct like that. Although given it has no constructor, it works fine today. [17:40:03] ref https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Stable_interface_policy [17:42:09] ok, that answered my question fully, awesome!