[04:06:44] I uploaded an image - but now when i search for it in the Media Settings dialogue that pops up when you Insert Media on a page, it doesn't show up [04:06:50] do i have to re-index or something? [04:12:27] k-man: search is case-sensitive by default (I think); could that be the issue? [04:23:54] samwilson: yes! I think that was it [04:23:55] thanks [04:50:11] k-man: if you want case-insensitive, the TitleKey extension does that [04:58:19] thanks samwilson [06:35:25] Hello, its a short bug report: MW1.36.0 seems to can't skip creation of database when MediaWiki tables seem to already exist [06:35:40] error message is: Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1719 of /srv/femiwiki.com/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: Error 1050: Table 'user' already exists (mysql) [06:36:36] following "Warning: MediaWiki tables seem to already exist. Skipping creation." [06:37:44] execute install.php twice to reproduce [06:41:06] I hope to know there is a ticker for this? [07:45:42] lens0021: do you need to run install.php twice? [07:45:58] nope [07:46:47] but is it possible to run twice mistakenly? [07:47:43] and the error message is saying like the mistake can be covered [07:48:56] *warning message [07:49:58] and I remember it was covered in MW 1.35 [07:50:39] Amir1: any idea if the abstract schema could have caused this ^^? [07:51:39] lens0021: you are not using wgSharedDB, are you? [07:52:07] I will search for that... please wait [07:54:07] Nikerabbit: No, I don't. my setting is similar to LAMP, except I use Caddy web server instead of Apache [07:54:39] there is one MySQL [07:54:41] lens0021: ok, I could not find a ticket for that [08:00:02] Nikerabbit: Thank you, I will create a ticker after some more test [11:17:06] Nikerabbit: it can be but I doubt it, install.php shouldn't be idempotent [11:19:56] Amir1: yeah I don't think anyone wants that, just failing with a nice message instead of an exception [11:20:25] true [15:08:20] While I am trying to edit a page which doesn't have files in my wiki [15:08:31] visual editor is throwing error [15:08:31] Error loading data from server: HTTP 504. Would you like to retry? [15:10:07] actually those are imported pages which doesn't have files in my wiki [18:47:36] hey, i made a mediawiki on my 32bit device [18:47:57] and the fonts are all looking bad [18:48:09] where is the mediawiki directory when installed as a plugin for XAMPP? [18:49:16] independent56: ask XAMPP? we didn't make the plugin and have no idea how it works [18:49:28] hmm [18:50:21] and what does 32bit have to do with anyhting? [19:39:18] opt/lampp/apps/mediawiki [19:39:20] answer