[08:28:36] Hi guys, is it possible to make an articles ( based on it's category ) non editable? [20:59:07] Hi guys, how is it possible with the api to get all article title for a whole category? [21:05:35] yes, you would use use action=query&list=categorymembers. You may have to make multiple requests depending on the size of the category [21:06:26] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=query&format=json&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category%3AFeatured%20articles [21:06:29] for example [21:12:35] what is the limit of results? [21:12:49] and how do I get the next? [21:14:18] by default, the maximum is 500 (you can use the cmlimit parameter to categorymembers to change the number of results) [21:15:16] to get the next amount of results, you add the parameters from the "continue" section of the response to your next request https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Query#Example_4:_Continuing_queries [21:18:30] thank you I will try it [22:48:24] Hello, is it possible to exclude a specific category from a api request? [22:49:34] It depends what you mean by exclude it, and what api request [22:51:13] I want all members of category A but without category B, because there are category A articles which also have category B [23:29:04] Reedy this is the api request /w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:MyCategoryA&cmlimit=max [23:33:30] Basically no, [23:33:41] You'd need to do the set maths locally [23:33:52] get the list of Category A, get the list of Category B [23:34:02] Then filter [23:36:30] yeah that's what I do, I thought there is maybe a fast and easy way over the api