[12:26:27] Hello! I'd like some direction on the code base please, I'm running MediaWiki 1.35. Where can I find the functions that manage the Sidebar? [12:26:46] This is the Sidebar that I meant: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/Sidebar [12:27:38] Or if this is not the right room to ask my question, would someone kindly direct me to the room that I can do so? [12:28:48] Skin::buildSidebar() [12:29:27] Thank you! [12:29:35] Also, see codesearch: https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/core/?q=sidebar&i=nope&files=&excludeFiles=&repos= [12:31:49] Oh great, yes I should've used that on my editor. Thanks :) [13:39:03] ccccccvelljdrcbjfnddjkbvcrvugilhdlvvtvkbgvli [13:39:11] ccccccvelljdvdulcveriliuhffbhgrjbufeejtfttjf [13:39:45] ottomata: behave [13:40:44] this yubikey needs a leash [13:41:04] heh [13:46:14] or perhaps your cat needs a leash! [18:29:29] Anyone familiar with interwiki: is there a way to access the data for interlanguage links via javascript? I'm trying to use it to add a cactions tab for "other languages" without modifying MonoBook, since our design doesn't show the sidebar to logged out users. [18:29:48] I figure there must be some variable that holds that data; I just don't know what it is. [18:32:31] jfolv: you probably need to make an API request to e.g. https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&siprop=interwikimap&formatversion=2 [18:35:58] That specific query just returns the entirety of the Special:Interwiki table. Is there one to only return interlanguage links used on a specific page? [18:36:42] (You'll have to excuse me; I'm not terribly familiar with MediaWiki's API queries) [18:38:19] Oh, you said interlanguage, one second [18:40:17] jfolv: https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=langlinks&titles=Taylor%20Swift&formatversion=2 [18:40:35] btw I recommend using the API sandbox to browse and test out the API, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=query&format=json&prop=langlinks&titles=Taylor%20Swift&formatversion=2 [18:40:48] most things related to getting data from wiki pages are under action=query [18:41:08] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Langlinks too [18:42:47] Thank you! I'll have to spend a bit of time playing around there. [21:22:50] legoktm[m]: I followed the MediaWiki JS instructions on the page you listed, but I'm receiving an error stating "mw.Api is not a constructor" when using this code: https://pastebin.com/bprgiTPZ -- I should also note that I'm now aware that arrow functions aren't allowed, so I changed the foreach to function(val) { ... }. I'm not sure what I'm missing now, though. [21:23:38] Did you depend on the mediawiki.api RL module? [21:24:34] I did indeed use mw.Api(). Do I need to specifically declare and import it in site js? [21:26:49] https://doc.wikimedia.org/mediawiki-core/master/js/#!/api/mw.loader-method-using [21:26:59] you want to make sure the "mediawiki.api" module is present [21:27:03] er, ready [21:27:28] Got it, thanks! [21:27:31] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader/Core_modules has the names of common modules [21:32:41] Got the code working now; thanks legoktm! [21:33:01] woot!