[06:50:53] Do English namespace names always work regardless of configured wiki language? [06:51:13] For special pages, yes they always work [06:51:53] At least for special pages, they redirect to the name of the special page in the wiki's non-English language. [06:51:54] the English names are "canonical" and will work everywhere [06:52:14] neat, thank you both. I had vaguely remembered that fact from somewhere but wasn't certain [06:53:04] note that canonical namespaces are not always the same as the English ones, e.g. "Project" will work everywhere whereas "Wikipedia" won't [06:53:16] oh, very good to know [06:53:46] are the canonical ones those shown on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Namespace? [06:54:22] Yes [06:54:48] is it possible to use english namespace with other content language? I want to avoid urlencoded namespace [06:55:11] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&meta=siteinfo&formatversion=2&siprop=namespaces [06:57:35] For the default namespaces, yes. For custom namespaces, you could if you use namespace aliases https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgNamespaceAliases. If you want it to work the same way as MediaWiki's default namespaces, define the namespace in your wiki's language and the alias in English. [07:01:23] JeffreyWang[m]: Oh thanks. [07:02:20] I have one more question, url with english version of namespace is redirected url with local namespace and all links in the wiki also link to local urls which have local namespace. is it also configured for english? [07:03:23] Not sure I follow your question, but the logic for links transiently follows from the logic for URLs. [07:03:55] And it doesn't matter if it's an internal or external link [07:04:30] my motivation is, copy and paste the url from the address bar in my browser to an external editor [07:05:21] make url like 'https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EC%9C%84%ED%82%A4%EB%B0%B1%EA%B3%BC:%EB%8C%80%EB%AC%B8' [07:05:23] but i want https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project:%EB%8C%80%EB%AC%B8 [07:05:35] is shorter [07:05:46] Yes, it logically follows from what I said that what you want to ultimately do is possible. [07:07:04] * Yes, it logically follows from what I said that what you want to ultimately do is possible and will work. [07:11:11] cool, thanks! [11:50:02] Can anyone tell me where I would look to see the history of fonts in the ULS setup? I am especially interested int he font UnifrakturMaguntia which seems to be the presented form of blackletter [13:32:38] sDrewth: if you search in Phabricator you find bunch of commits related to it [13:33:06] okay, thanks [13:38:21] okay, nothing changed since 2014 from what I can see. I will have to look elsewhere to why it is currently unreadeable [18:09:50] Hi. I need to report a posible illegal use of mediawiki software. How can I do it? [18:12:14] What is an illegal use of MediaWiki? [18:12:16] what sort of use are we talking about? [18:13:01] LuchoCR: [18:14:05] Reedy: May I PM? [18:15:23] are you trying to say they are using mediawiki illegaly (the only way I think this would happen is violating the copyright somehow), or they are using mediawiki to do illegal things? [18:15:29] if the latter, we can't do anything about it [18:15:54] you'll want to figure out who hosts the site and contact their abuse department/contact [18:17:51] I think it fits as violation of Terms of Use [18:18:02] *whose* Terms of Use? [18:18:14] But I feel more comfortable sharing the details privately. [18:18:16] MediaWiki doesn't have terms, it just has the GPL license [18:18:22] feel free to PM me then [18:39:17] LuchoCR: as others have said, there are no terms of use and free software is licensed in a way that *any* use is permitted by the license. [18:41:42] hexmode[m]: I got it (hopefully) sorted in PM :) [18:41:57] :) [18:42:20] I figured you guys had it. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut. [18:43:04] Was gonna write more about "illegal use" but bit my finger so I wouldn't type more.