[01:56:25] Is there some kind of known glitch with the OATHAuth extension where people will suddenly find 2FA enabled on their accounts without them having done it themselves? I've had a few users complaining about this after we upgraded to 1.35.2 from 1.29.1, and we didn't have that extension before. [02:44:22] hello, is the most correct way to upload the english wikipedia dump to a wikimedia instance mwdumper, or uploadDump? [02:45:33] my computer will be able to upload the entire dump after about 7+ months of constant uploading using uploadDump, and the article on mediawiki's home wiki says that mwdump doesnt work with newer versions...*however* there is a github with commits within the past few months. [02:46:22] that is, this: https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-tools-mwdumper . But this repository doesnt actually have mwdumper.jar, so im rather confused what im supposed to do here. [03:15:14] Hey guys [03:15:34] I keep getting Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server: http-request-error [03:15:41] when trying to use VisualEditor [03:26:26] @Guest97: We had that too. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:VisualEditor#Troubleshooting should be able to help. [03:27:32] jfolv I am using nginx not sure if it relates to anything else [03:27:34] latest too [04:21:57] I did a bit of database digging after receiving another verified complaint of 2fa prompts tonight when a user hadn't added it to their account. I did some digging in the database and found that the id field of the oathauth_users table didn't contain the user ID in question. Unless I'm mistaken, that field should contain user IDs, right? [07:05:40] Perhaps the database tables are corrupted. [08:46:56] Hi guys, I have ported my current wiki (mw 1.31) to azure and I can't get email notifications to work. But the email server works (tested). Anyone an idea what I need to setup beside https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgSMTP#Troubleshooting [16:43:07] Hello, all, I am having some trouble with Mediawiki's docker-compose environment. [16:43:38] Specifically, I can't make calls to `mediawiki_mediawiki-web_1` from other containers, nor can I inspect the logs of `mediawiki_mediawiki-web_1`. [16:44:16] The issue appears related to the Apache configuration, but I can't really inspect it due to the very tightly locked permissions in the `mediawiki_mediawiki-web_1` container. [16:44:19] Any thoughts? [21:40:43] For the Azure MW 1.31 question: What is the value of your $wgSMTP? What port should it run on? Did you look at the Azure firewall?