[00:46:18] Hi, is this a good place for getting help writing/modifying extensions, or is there a better channel for that? [01:06:56] Ah, found what I needed recursiveTagParse [01:06:58] o/ [07:17:00] wait, why is ReplaceText using http in its generated forms, time to research [07:18:49] found it, MW setup did not notice HTTPS [07:35:29] Hi [07:36:51] I am just a very new learner of programming languages and software. [07:37:38] I have a very curious fundamental question [07:39:29] Why do mediawiki requires web servers to run? [07:40:54] But Irc servers dont . [07:43:34] mediawiki is a web-based application, irc is not [07:44:05] Irc is its own protocol.. [07:49:17] majavah, is it possible to remove the webserver dependency or integrate it and run it directly on OS subsystem? [07:52:08] And also integrate the php interpreter into one integrated mediawiki module. [07:52:30] what problem are you trying to solve? [07:54:36] I am trying to eleminate the useless dependencies that content management softwares/systems have. [07:58:29] Those "useless dependencies" are the ones that allow you to edit a wiki from any device, including computers runing on Windows, Linux, Mac, smartphones and even consoles that have internet browsers, without installing any other application :) [07:58:38] well, if you want to offer a service over http you need some software that runs a http server, and due to php's nature it's best to use an external web server [07:59:34] php isn't a compiled language - to run it you need an interpreter [07:59:45] Hmm [08:16:53] Vulpix, but in the server side it generates HTML pages dynamically based on the given query and it requires only a html reader( compiled for different platforms) like a browser to run the code, then how this dependencies needed? [08:21:14] web servers are complex software designed to serve web pages and web applications. There are many security and performance implications: filesystem access, https, access control, access and error logs, caching, URL rewriting... MediaWiki doesn't have to handle them [08:21:23] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reinventing_the_wheel [08:32:11] So the modularity is needed and needs to be seperated like DBMS handles database,webserver a handles the ones you mentioned above etc now it is clear to me why developers seperated it into different modules. [13:13:05] I just recovered a MariaDB from an .sql dump of a long lost wiki. Where can I start looking to understand the latest version used with this db? [13:16:31] Last timestamp in recentchanges table is 2013-03-25, but there is no certainty that the mediawiki was ever updated on this wiki [13:22:40] You can in theory look at hte database structure and see what tables/columns exist [14:45:52] Hi, my mediawiki works using https://www.example.com/w but now my question is : how can I redirect https://www.example.com to https://www.example.com/w, I managed to do that for http://www.example.com to https://www.example.com/w with the line Redirect "/" "https://www.example.com/w/" in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf. (mediawiki-1.36.2, apache 2.4.51, debian 11) [14:51:02] a visitor should just have to to enter https://www.example.com in his browser and then be redirected tottps://www.example.com/w, all subsequent urls can have https://www.example.com/w/... that wouldn't matter [14:52:09] redirected to* (I tried Alias, mod_rewrite sadly without success...) [14:54:32] thanks in advance for any help how to accomplish this... [14:56:49] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL may be helpful, along with https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Wiki_in_site_root_directory [14:58:06] AntiComposite: thanks, I've read that... [15:00:39] I just need this initial redirect for https only, the mediawiki urls should stay the same, I couldn't find anything about that initial redirect (done by apache2 only)... [15:02:39] a redirect "/" to "/w" doesn't work, because it is expanded recursively / -> /w -> /w/w -> /w/w/w and so on, lol [15:05:29] you tried the `RewriteRule ^/*$ %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/w/index.php [L]` rewrite rule? [15:06:11] hmm, not this one, I'll try it now... [15:09:00] oh, now looking at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf -- yes I tried that too, let me retry [15:12:45] AntiComposite: you made my day - it works thanks a lot! (my mistake was an additional line with Alias /w /var/www/html/w/index.php) [15:15:06] AntiComposite: nice, exactly what I wanted - without any change in the mediawiki config - Thank you very much again!!! [15:15:14] glad I could help! [15:15:18] :) [19:01:04] Hi, i have an navbar that has the VTE links and title on 2 different lines. See https://i.imgur.com/2RWKZwn.png. How can i compress this to a single line? Is there a step by step guide for this somewhere? [21:57:39] CindyCicaleseWMF: you have a reply in your inbox :) [21:57:56] and I already spotted the clone issue you had [22:14:38] addshore: thank you! [22:55:38] CindyCicaleseWMF: do you find it speedy enough btw? [22:55:44] your ona mac you say? [23:16:30] addshore: Yes, on a mac. So far, it seems about the same as mwdd, but I have not done much yet. I tested as far as loading the main page of a new wiki and setting a breakpoint in LocalSettings.php to make sure debugging works. I'll let you know as soon as I do anything more taxing.