[06:44:45] bawolff: remember that bug I hit recently with postgresql returning two rows with different titles in select where title=....? [06:44:57] yes [06:45:32] bawolff: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/20211030023740.qbnsl2xaoh2grq3d%40alap3.anarazel.de [06:45:59] \o/ [06:46:18] that was several days of poking at a snapshot I took [06:46:30] but pg people found what happened [06:47:09] DBMS design is hard [06:47:18] I have no idea how these people do their magic [06:47:19] That seems like a pretty major bug in postgres [06:47:31] yes, introduced in 14 [06:47:34] or so it seems [06:47:45] (you can see in the follow-up there) [06:53:03] makes sense that I hit it on an MW instance and with page_main_title, since that one is tiny compared to text's index [07:21:36] congratulations Remilia [07:22:34] congratulations should be directed at the smart people at postgresql, not me who did absolutely nothing aside from the reports haha [08:42:44] Hey guys,i'm running a mediawiki container as described on docker hub. Can i somehow change the domain URL from example.com/ to example.com/wiki/ ? I tried toying with LocalSettings.php to no avail. Adding /wiki to Scriptpath works Articles and Pages, but doesn't move load.php. I have access to the nginx config, if that's necessary. [08:51:35] $wgScriptPath should control that ($wgArticlePath controls the url just for articles) [08:51:43] But you probably also need to change web server config [08:51:59] to match the changes in LocalSettings.php [08:52:26] I don't know what webserver the docker thing is using. If its apache, often this is a .htaccess file (Although it can also be elsewhere) [08:56:09] Inside the official image is an Apache running, as far as i'm aware. The problem is i don't really want to change that, nor do i really know how. My goal is pretty much "just" to run a mediawiki instance without hassling with php on the machine itself. [08:59:09] wait, earlier you mentioned the nginx config? [09:06:23] Nginx is runny on my machine as reverse proxy [09:06:32] Towards the mediawiki container [09:06:58] ah [09:07:10] I mean, its certainly possible to have nginx mess with the urls for you [09:09:14] Probably, but I'm kinda looking more for something like the Base Domain option from Wordpress settings, where i can just enter example.com/wiki/ and it forms all things for me. Mind you i'm just doing this on the side, so it may be that i'm quite ignorant looking for something impossible [09:11:30] you could move what directory mediawiki is located in [09:12:33] What url mediawiki is served from isn't really something controlled by mediawiki but by the webserver, so you can't change that without modifying the web server's config, or moving mediawiki's directory [09:21:56] So basically i gotta find out how to press arguments towards the internal .htaccess file. I'll look into that [09:26:10] It really depends on how its configured. I've never used the docker image. If its using short urls on apache, .htaccess is the most common method to define what the url is [09:28:48] If its using urls like http://domain/index.php/ArticleNameHere (and not http://domain/ArticleNameHere), that might just mean you have to switch the directory mediawiki is located, and not do anything with .htaccess [09:55:38] bawolff: I am finding this strange all in all since MediaWiki does not recomment short URLs at / [09:56:33] Remilia: Honestly, I think the anti- short url at / reccomendation is way overblown. [09:56:40] But it is odd, since that is our official reccomendation [12:19:30] Having index.php at the root is perfectly fine. What's not recommended is having your pages start at the root (like example.org/PageName ) [12:23:05] Not recommended doesn't mean "not supported", but there will be some annoyances like major attack surface. There are a lot of bots trying to exploit your website and scan for common paths. Having short URLs at / means all bot probes will hit MediaWiki (with its performance impact) instead of a plain 404 page [12:36:51] Vulpix, "example.com/wiki/index.php/Main_Page" would be my end goal. Is that you mean as not recommended or am i good? [12:37:06] *what [12:37:36] example.com/wiki/Page is recommended. example.com/Page is not [12:38:27] example.com/index.php/Page is also possible without problems [12:39:09] Note that I may be confusing "short URLs" with "pretty URLs" here :) [14:02:25] Vulpix: yes, that person earlier mentioned they were trying to set up a docker instance of MW and had trouble changing the scheme to /wiki/Title from /Title, so I was surprised that the official docker image would not follow the recommendation [14:02:31] unless they found some other image [14:15:57] Remilia, no i'm using the official image. https://hub.docker.com/_/mediawiki