[13:26:40] hey [13:27:17] Quesiton have a Table but I want to split it so that one is to the left and is to the right and seperated just by some space is this possible [13:27:33] and one to the right* [14:09:26] hey [14:09:52] where's admin [14:15:50] Daulity: you could probably do that [14:16:03] it's mostly a question if it can be done with CSS [14:16:27] which is probably a yes [14:16:52] mediawiki doesn't have anything specific for that [14:17:04] what [14:17:08] what problem [14:17:15] MediaWiki the software [14:17:27] not the user which joined with nick MediaWiki [14:17:30] what software [14:17:36] MediaWiki [14:17:57] ok [14:17:58] btw, if you want an admin, you should state what for [14:18:52] now [14:19:26] hello [14:19:33] I see from #wikimedia-office you only wanted to insult [14:19:45] nah again [14:20:11] anything serious to claim? [14:20:28] what [14:22:03] lol litharge [14:22:35] bots just love to wheel war 🙄 [14:42:12] I tol it to keep it for 3 days [14:42:24] it probably understood 3 seconds :P [14:55:20] Platonides: it's more a nice thing then really needed [14:56:57] if you can do that with CSS, you can make that in mediawiki [19:53:51] I am figuring out url schema migration from Bad Decisions to the default while keeping Google happy, and current solution is `psql -U azurlane_wiki -d azurlane_wiki -qtA -c "SELECT page_title FROM mediawiki.page WHERE page_namespace=0" | awk '{print "/"$0}' > al-redirectpages.txt` with haproxy doing "http-request redirect code 301 location https://domain/wiki%[path] if path_redirectlist" [19:54:11] (will be code 302 after tests)