[12:00:09] Ola [12:08:19] Hi. Is there anybody working on real time preview here? [12:09:01] Can I make a feature request? [12:09:54] It would be very nice if we can choose which language variant to preview with [12:14:20] Current Chinese Wikipedia has a local gadget to implement this functionality [12:44:52] Hi, I have a page "Item" that I can see at the bottom of it that it's part of category "big items", but I can't see this page on the category page. Moreover, I can see this page on another category, I tried to query it using dpl3 as well and can't find it. [12:45:13] I tried to run runJobs and refreshLinks several times but no actual change. the queue is on 0. any other options that I can try? Thanks [12:47:27] Tried to "purge" and "dummy edit save" the page as well [13:28:16] configure scripts tend to be the most unreadable bash scripts out there [13:34:08] Er, wrong channel [14:34:41] Any idea about the problematic page with the category? :S [14:35:35] Guest85: did you try opening the edit form for that page and clicking save without modifying anything? [14:39:28] Yep, I thought it called "dummy edit", tried that and purge action on the page [14:40:50] dummy edit is making a meaningless change, that's called a "null edit" as it doesn't actually edit the page but it purges more caches (including the category link tables) that just purging does not [14:41:52] Any other option that I can try? [14:42:49] try removing the page from the category and re-adding? [14:43:51] This page using a template (with many other pages) that adds it to the category, so In order to delete it I need to change the template and it might cause other pages to be removed as well :S [14:44:26] you can just remove the template temporarily and add it back [14:46:51] Good idea, it worked:) what can cause this issue? It will be hard for me to track such error and fix it like this [14:50:35] categorization via templates sometimes causes weirdness like this, I don't think there is anything you can really do [14:50:44] I'm still a bit curious why a null edit did not work [14:52:33] How can I check it? I have unfortunately many other pages like it, if I'll remove the template and re-add it it will cause side-effects (I'm using cargo extension) that will require some more null-edits until it will be fixed, so having a quicker way will save a lot of work :) [14:53:00] That something that can be seen on debuglog maybe? [17:50:07] Hello everyone. I need some suggestions on how to create a page like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/Page%20like%20this? can someone please help? [17:50:32] That's a custom 404 handler [17:51:14] Hey Reedy thanks for the reply. So any idea how to create this custom 404 page? [17:51:25] Depends on what webserver you're using [17:51:29] I tried a lot but can't find anything online. [17:51:57] So it's not created using any config file or something? [17:52:22] Potentially webserver config files, yes [17:54:05] Oh ok I thought it's created by changing some files in the MediaWiki software. [17:54:36] Thanks for your help.