[16:39:32] is there an extension or other way to select webpages via categories when each page belongs to multiple categories? For example, a page belonging both to TECH and MEDICAL categories could be found by clicking on TECH and then MEDICAL or vice versa. [16:44:12] Help, I'm hitting a wall. If I use
 with , ‎ is not rendered. If I use , ‎ is rendered, but  is not rendered. What should I do to show both?
[16:44:51] 	 If I surround  with , it renders as-is, without dropping the ...
[16:46:49] 	 use &lrm; or <translate>
[16:46:55] 	 thanks
[16:49:05] 	 Yep, &lrm; is the ticket for 
 +  :)  For , <translate> renders as-is (I tried it earlier)
[16:50:00] 	 dvyd, there isn't really a great way to do that. If you have CirrusSearch installed, you can use a search like "incategory:TECH incategory:MEDICAL"
[16:50:59] 	 the other option would be one of the DynamicPageList extensions, but I don't know if any are particularly actively maintained
[16:51:46] 	 https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DynamicPageList_(Wikimedia) is the one used in Wikimedia production, but it took down all the sites a few months ago (not likely to be a problem on a small wiki)
[16:55:08] 	 thanks AntiComposite. I think this approach is sometimes referred to as "faceted search". I might be able to use Multi-Category Search if I already know what I'm looking for.
[16:58:18] 	 DPL3 is actively maintained
[17:13:40] 	 this may also be something supported by Semantic Mediawiki, I'm not familiar enough with it to know
[17:22:05] 	 AntiComposite: Semantic Drilldown might do something like that. It appears to require a lot of setup though.