[00:07:09] ah I went for https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OAuth2_Client [00:34:13] I think its actually OpenID I want [00:34:26] its not a github org or anything I just want public users to be able to access it with there github account [00:34:31] or gitlab [00:36:03] there is https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OAuth2Github [00:36:10] not sure what state it is in though [00:41:57] yeah [00:42:03] it still mentions the 'id' and 'secret' [00:42:14] I think that is for corperate github accounts, where gh acts like keycloak [00:42:22] effectively allowing people who are a member of that organization to login [00:42:35] the type I am looking for is for basically anyone with a github account or gitlab account [00:42:40] and I THINK what I want is openid [00:42:43] maybe [00:42:55] you probably have been on sites yourself I think reddit has it [00:43:03] where you can login with gmail or github or gitlab or microsoft or ... [00:43:09] that is all I am looking for [00:44:28] I think the one I actually want is: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OpenID [00:53:07] OpenID the php module though is very very old [00:57:13] OpenID is pretty dead these days. Almost all sites use OAuth (or OpenID Connect, which is rather confusingly OAuth and not OpenID). [01:00:46] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OpenID_Connect#Install_Dependencies [01:00:51] yep was just looking at that and got it installed [01:01:16] and three examples [01:01:19] none of them github [01:02:13] well at least it does keycloak [01:02:23] I can set that up, perhaps I can get it to proxy via github or something [01:02:46] oh wait there is an example for gitlab [01:03:02] gitlab is close enough [01:03:28] oh hold on, no that is if I am running a gitlab instance [01:03:41] so that is locking the people who can login to the people who would be on my instance [01:04:31] you know what I will just have to pull my finger out and finishing setting up my email server (sigh I hate dealing with dkim) [01:34:12] hello is anyone avaliable to assist? [01:43:20] No need to ask to ask. If you have a question, you just ask it. [01:44:25] anyone has ideas on how i can increas goolge indexing? [01:46:52] There's Extension:WikiSEO, from an on wiki point of view, I don't think there is anything you can do specifically [01:53:33] Have more popular content :P [01:54:14] Honestly, most of the ways people claim to increase google rankings are BS [06:20:12] factsz @badwolff the things they say can increase it is indeed bs [06:21:06] and fake it really decreases the speed