[01:15:56] anyone know how i stop bing from duplicating withour removing both? [01:18:17] Is one actually a redirect? [01:22:21] no [01:25:03] noif i request removel both rremove [08:19:01] hi, I am making a template for portals on my MW, and i have a question: do i really need a lua skript if i want to get PORTALNAME out of Portal:PORTALNAME? magic words don't seem to work for this [08:29:53] {{BASEPAGENAME}} should work [08:37:04] nope [08:52:18] Mirghon: What does {{PAGENAME}} return? [08:52:40] portal:Topic [08:52:53] i just want to get rid of the "Portal:" [08:53:23] is "Portal" not namespace? [08:53:51] It seems it isn't [08:53:56] but someone here already told me that it's not a normal namespace escape (which is why neither the usual magic words nor the colon in front of the {{ works ) [08:54:50] If Portal: is not a namespace, no magic word will treat it different from the rest of the title [08:56:17] Extension:ParserFunctions has {{#explode}} function, how about trying this? [08:57:12] yeah, i can juist use a lua script....wanted to know if it works without one, but i guess it wont [08:57:28] i ask cause i have troubles getting lua to work :) [08:58:43] You could just make Portal a real namespace [09:00:14] hm [09:00:42] is that a good idea? [09:00:57] i mean, shouldnt it be one by default? [09:01:14] Portal isn't no [09:01:50] I've tested {{#explode:portal:Topic|:|1}} returns "Topic" if ParserFunctions is installed and StringFunctions is enabled [09:20:41] If Portal: is not a namespace, it will count against the "articles" in statistics, and will also be picked from Special:Random [09:21:15] ok [09:21:21] ill try as soon as i get lua to work [09:21:49] chmod u+x (...) is not enough? [09:25:56] that's a rather vague question [09:27:25] your solution worked btw, thanks a lot [09:27:30] what do you mean vague? [09:29:13] i installed scribunto, have the 2 appropriate lines of code for it to load in localsettings as well as parserfunctions enabled [09:30:49] yet if i write a module:test and execute it, it gives me back "Lua-Error: The process could not be created. proc_open(/dev/null): failed to open stream" [09:37:49] !e Scribunto [09:37:49] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto [09:38:48] Looks like it's trying to "execute" the /dev/null device instead of the lua executable [09:39:09] Maybe you need to define in LocalSettings.php what's the lua engine it should be using [09:39:18] $wgScribuntoDefaultEngine = 'luastandalone'; ? [09:52:29] yea i had that [09:53:35] i think dev/null only tries to open a stream [09:54:37] and does not have permission to do so [09:56:50] SELinux or AppArmor may block access to resources, if you have them enabled [09:58:54] its ubuntu and im logged in as root [10:04:22] php hopefully doesn't execute as root [10:33:32] ok i am making progress [10:33:52] each step gets me a new error message :) [10:34:21] Internal Lua Error: Interpreter finishes at status 127. [10:39:24] meanwhile, the error.log gives me: [10:39:25] (path-to-scribunto)/includes/engines/LuaStandalone/lua_ulimit.sh: l: exec: (path-to-engine)/lua: not found [10:40:29] :q [10:54:29] that's a file missing (it seems the lua executable itself) [11:02:43] jesus, the only issue was that i had "biaries" as a typo all this time [11:03:04] sry and thx [11:16:56] lol [14:50:31] if i request it then both deleted from bing any suggestions [14:55:19] never mind for this request i have a bigger issue when trying to load a page it gives me Error contacting the Parsoid/RESTBase server (HTTP 404) .... [14:55:26] does anyone know how i fix that [15:08:36] is dropping an entry from the page table that has nothing linked in revision,archive or logging a bad idea? [15:08:52] someone has a page with somehow no revision [15:13:18] It shouldn't harm more than the current situation [15:13:39] Vulpix: is there anyway to find other broken stuff [15:15:05] monitor your php error logs and see if there are more errors [15:15:37] Sadly MediaWiki doesn't use foreign key constraints to ensure database consistency [15:16:01] no maint script [15:16:04] or sql [15:16:09] i'm rubbish at writing them [15:18:59] Vulpix: [e01acfbf03aff9644fa2f37e] /w/index.php?title=%D7%9E%D7%99%D7%95%D7%97%D7%93:%D7%99%D7%99%D7%91%D7%95%D7%90&action=submit Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBTransactionStateError: Cannot execute query from MediaWiki::preOutputCommit while transaction status is ERROR [15:19:08] that's another issue on this wiki [15:19:23] Uncancelable atomic section canceled (got MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionStore::insertRevisionOn) [15:19:26] That one might be a reportable (or dupe) bug [15:20:05] That smells like the "Uncommitted DB writes" errors that hides the real error [15:22:25] Vulpix: what about Uncancelable atomic section canceled [15:22:59] If you have 2 consecutive errors, pay attention to the first one and discard the second one, because the second (and third, etc) are a consequence of the first error [15:23:45] Vulpix, Reedy: It's https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T286109 [15:24:09] but apparently importing [15:24:32] Something that should've been backported? [15:26:00] included in 1.37.X code (since 1.37.0) [15:26:12] no then :) [15:26:52] i'm gonna get them to email the dump [15:27:04] hopefully server side with --verbose will tell me more [15:27:36] --debug --report 1 even [15:36:50] Reedy: CannotCreateActorException from line 631 of /srv/mediawiki/w/includes/user/ActorStore.php: Cannot create an actor for a user with no name: user_id=0 user_name=":" [15:55:06] Reedy: ok, so mediawiki fails importing revision 1 of a page and then leaves a dangling page behind [15:56:20] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/5CL5Z35M/broken.xml [21:09:02] AntiComposite: I found something you said in backscroll bash worthy -- https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/Pmmr2X0B1jz_IcWu0YrA :) [21:09:45] Bash is my favourite tool [21:10:49] fish is better [21:18:23] fish isn't as good as my legendary fish fork named cowshell of 2018 https://github.com/perryprog/cowshell/compare/316303...master