[06:59:04] couldn't figure out why AutoSitemap wouldn't work, ended up ditching it for a cron job running generateSitemap.php [12:38:37] Yaron: I sent a patch for the CI allowlist [18:43:33] Some weeks back I was fretting about responsive skins; cause the popular responsive theme (Timeless) doesn't seem "authorative" enough on desktop, yet the default Vector just isn't mobile-friendly. [18:43:49] But now I found the best of both worlds with the MobileFrontend extension [18:44:12] Vector on desktop and Timeless on mobile, pretty satisfied with the result. [20:05:27] I'm inclined to point out that "skin", "theme" and "template" all have different meanings in the MediaWiki land, although understandably people use those a bit too interchangeably, given that phpBB (IIRC) calls the look and the feel of the site "templates", WordPress calls it "themes" and MediaWiki calls it "skins" :) but I for one insist that the word "theme" in a MediaWiki context refers to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Theme , which allows [20:05:27] using different pre-set CSS rules for skins (alternatively, "skinning for beginners", if you will) without hassle [20:06:00] that said, having contributed both to the aforementioned extension and the Timeless skin, I'd be curious to know what you liked and what you didn't like about Timeless [20:18:19] I'll keep watch over my choice of words :P [20:21:35] I suppose there isn't anything inherently wrong with Timeless, it's just that just about every wiki I've visited that used it seems to be dead so I just psychologically associate it with that. [20:22:12] But it's otherwise looks fantastic on mobile. [22:57:08] does anyone know a nice dark skin that's not too dissimilar to Vector, and displays the wiki's logo? I tried DarkVector and it's fairly nice but a bit outdated. Citizen is really modern but doesn't show the wiki logo for some reason and might just be too mobile-oriented... [23:39:46] taylan: how about a dark theme for Vector? :) https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Theme has such a dark theme bundled (and also one for MonoBook) [23:50:23] ashley: Vector, Vector, or Vector [23:50:30] or should I say Vector, Vector (Responsive), or Vector (Design Improvements) [23:50:38] ashley: thanks for the recommendation. the dark theme for vector look pretty broken for me unfortunately. [23:50:46] We should have just named one of them VectorV5 [23:51:32] maybe I'll just try to improve DarkVector, it's the best one I've found so far... [23:51:41] the skin, that is