[00:02:25] Hello, does somebody have a contact that could help with recovering a password to Bulbapedia? I have not been able to successfully use the automatic reset function. [00:03:56] you would need to contact the Bulbapedia team [00:07:06] Yes, that's why I asked for a contact. I don't see any information on their website. [00:08:12] https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Bulbapedia:FAQ#Who_can_I_contact_if_an_admin_isn.27t_online.3F [00:08:46] Oh, there is a discord? Thanks. [00:09:26] also https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Bulbapedia:Staff [00:11:09] Yeah there isn't any contact info on that page, but thanks, the Discord should work. [05:32:19] is there a way to patrol many changes at once? someone uploaded 50 images to my wiki, and they seem fine, so I'd like to mark them all as patrolled. [05:51:50] doing it manually didn't take that long after all [09:41:55] taylan: not at least by default IIRC, but wikiHow developed an extension called "BunchPatrol" for patrolling a large batch of a single user's changes easily -- can't say I'd have tested it much, but it seems to not have any external dependencies and should just run as-is on a vanilla MediaWiki installation as well: https://git.legoktm.com/ashley/ShoutHow/src/master/extensions/BunchPatrol (that's my pet project, wikiHow extensions + old main skin + some [09:41:55] necessary core patches applied on top of a vanilla MW 1.35.x codebase...definitely not "production-grade" code by any means, use at your own risk, etc. but select few extensions, like BunchPatrol, may have very little to no interdependencies) [09:42:51] thanks, I'll consider it :) [09:47:25] patches welcome etc. but for all intents and purposes, consider that a research project with no real-world applications :P [10:11:37] ashley: plz to finish documenting https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:BunchPatrol [10:21:11] p858snake|L: this is unfortunately the closest you get to "real" documentation at the moment (but it's available in whoppin' two languages!): https://git.legoktm.com/ashley/ShoutHow/src/master/README.md [15:59:38] fun - https://git.legoktm.com/explore/repos [15:59:45] we have gitea at osgeo also [16:00:04] * darkblueb tips hat to legoktm to start 2022