[03:55:16] Is there a way to make administrators exempt from file upload size limits? [04:57:39] Not that I'm aware of [05:47:36] bawolff: okay thank you [05:47:55] Is there a way to show the most recent blog posts on the main page when using SimpleBlogPage? [16:52:53] So I'm attempting to install mediawiki on my VPS (LNMP), and I used the nginx sample config (linked below)...when I navigate to wikisubdomain.mydomain.ext/mw-config/index.php, I get a 502-bad gateway error [16:52:53] https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/recipes/mediawiki/ [16:52:53] Any ideas where to start here? [16:54:35] I just wanted to say that the issue that prevented w3m from accessing MediaWiki powered sites has been fixed. There was an issue with handling http/1.0, but that has been resolved...so, thanks! [17:03:31] figured it out! The sample nginx configuration file uses php7.3-fpm, and my server has 7.4. Changed that, restarted nginx, and we're golden. [17:32:57] ...gotten through the installation now, but when I go to the index, it tells me " $wgServer must be set in LocalSettings.php. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgServer. " - LocalSettings.php exists, is owned by the webserver user, and, as recommended [here](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:LocalSettings.php#Security) permissions are set to 600 [17:34:49] ($wgServer is indeed set in the file) [17:34:49] "$wgServer must be set in LocalSettings.php." is not saying your LS doesn't exist nor that it's not readable [17:35:30] Have you put it in the right place? [17:36:11] it's in /var/www/wikidir - same place as index.php [17:39:29] Things that may go wrong: 1) $wgServer is mispelled (also watch case) 2) Browser or even php caching, the error page is cached. 3) The LocalSettings.php file is not being read from that location (distro packages may move it somewhere else, or you may be working on a backup copy of the folder, etc) [17:42:46] 1) I copied and pasted the contents, so unless there's a bug, that shouldn't be an issue. 2) I'll try restarting php & nginx just to be sure here in a sec, and 3) this is a manual installation, so it's not installed from a distro package.... For reference, there is the file list of the wiki base dir: https://paste.debian.net/1230154/ [17:44:23] (restarting php/nginx and refreshing browser cache did not fix it) [17:45:43] You can try to edit LocalSettings.php and introduce an obvious PHP syntax error and see if reloading the page gives an error. That will discard caching problems [17:49:40] Okay, here's what happened...when I was pasting into the file with vim, for some reason, it was commenting everything out... [17:49:56] heh [17:50:02] Yeah... That's not gonna help :) [17:50:04] I've removed the uncommented the settings - now just get a blank index.php [17:50:15] So now you've got a syntax error [17:50:30] lemme just delete the file, directly FTP it, and go from there, lol [17:55:41] There we go....thanks for letting me talk this through [18:00:28] Now just gotta figure out why I have ugly URLs [18:02:10] That's the default? :P [18:03:17] Reading the short URLs manual now (didn't know that wasn't a default thing) [19:35:01] Hi folks! I'm trying to upgrade an 1.29 installation and saw "Upgrading from releases older than two LTS release is not supported anymore." However, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download only lists the latest LTS release and the git tags don't help either. How can I find which LTS release came between 1.29 and 1.37.1? [19:36:54] 1.33 [19:37:17] it looks like you can find the downloads here: https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.33/ [19:37:45] 1.33 was not an LTS release [19:38:10] 1.31 and 1.35 were/are [19:38:36] oh wait, sorry, yes [19:39:25] (i know we do an LTS every 4 versions, i assumed 1.29 and 1.37 were LTS and just added/subtracted 4) [19:39:41] okay, thanks, will upgrade to 1.31, then 1.35 and finally 1.37.1 last, is that correct? [19:40:18] sounds correct [19:40:30] Great, thanks! [19:44:17] Hi all. How can I get the value of a global config using MediaWikiServices? I am guessing something like MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory()->getConfig('confName') but that is not it [19:46:45] Huji_wmf: iirc ::getInstance()->getMainConfig()->get( 'Foo' ) [19:47:14] oh, getMainConfig did the trick, thanks taavi! [19:50:10] while I have your attention, taavi, do you know how I can suppress the CI warning about a deprecated function, when the warning is associated with a unit test I wrote for that deprecated function? [19:51:47] $this->hideDeprecated( 'Full\\ClassName::deprecatedFunction' ); [19:54:07] taavi == the best ;) [20:22:29] for my next issue.....lol - Changing the logo doesn't seem to be working. I uploaded an image, using the upload form, and adding `$wgLogo = "{$wgUploadPath}/7/76/Shadowrun-logo-scaled.png";` doesn't chang the logo...and I did make sure to clear my browser's cache [20:24:26] (also, is the FAQ out of date? There's a `$wgLogos` setting in the LocalSettings...although replacing that value with `"{$wgUploadPath}/7/76/Shadowrun-logo-scaled.png"` just makes it blank [20:25:35] $wgLogos is supposed to be an array [20:36:43] "$wgLogos is supposed to be an..." <- yeah...I replaced the image path it had there with the new one - shows blank: `$wgLogos = [ '1x' => "{$wgUploadPath}/7/76/Shadowrun-logo-scaled.png" ];` (I've tried `$wgUploadPath` with and without curly braces) [20:43:10] I don't think $wgUploadPath is set until after LocalSettings.php is included [20:43:20] So it's probably using like false/7/76... [20:50:09] so just use a relative path without any variables? [20:51:30] You should be able to, yeah [21:03:34] Is there a way to set up separate CSS files for logged-in and non-logged-in users? [21:04:21] kj7rrv: Yeah. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:User_group_CSS_and_JavaScript [21:04:41] Thank you Reedy [21:05:13] So I could use that to hide the sidebar, view source, and history buttons for logged-out users? [21:05:28] I'm using MediaWiki more as a CMS, not for a publicly editable wiki [21:05:55] what does hiding those things get you....? [21:07:00] Just to make the UI less cluttered [21:08:01] yes, you could do that. [21:08:24] Okay [21:12:36] (I know hiding those won't improve security) [21:12:41] there isn't a stylesheet for only logged-out users though, so you'd have to remove them in MediaWiki:Common.css and then add them back in in MediaWiki:Group-user.css [21:13:14] Okay [22:27:16] Is it possible to combine Navigation and Wiki tools into one menu? [22:27:23] (I'm using Timeless) [23:52:23] Is it normal for common.css to not apply to the login page? [23:54:25] yes [23:54:27] security measure [23:55:12] Oh okay [23:55:45] Why is it a security issue? Isn't editing it restricted to interface admins? [23:56:15] Do you really want to trust that an interface admin won't be able to access it and then compromise however many accounts logging in? [23:56:26] Oh okay [23:56:28] !wg AllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages [23:56:28] Even if it's fine for your use case, probably not a top 15 website. [23:56:28] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:%24wgAllowSiteCSSOnRestrictedPages [23:56:58] So if all interface admins have server access, it doesn't make any difference? [23:57:13] I trust all interface admins [23:57:46] What if their account gets compromised [23:57:49] ^ [23:58:01] trust was doing a lot there when I said it, because that's the actual issue [23:58:14] Oh okay [23:58:27] Is there a way to apply the CSS from the server? [23:59:29] write a (simple) extension