[09:55:46] Hi, I try to run the upgrade1_5.php but face an issue. "Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties. [09:55:46] Try waiting a few minutes and reloading. [09:55:46] (Can't contact the database server: Access denied for user: '@%' to database 'wikidb' (localhost))" Do you have a hint for me? [09:58:41] Forest: hm...are $wgDBadminuser and $wgDBadminpassword properly set? (see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDBadminuser and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDBadminpassword) what about the regular DB access variables? (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDBuser and https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgDBpassword) [10:06:25] the regular db access variables are set. unfortunatly the Adminsettings.php seems to be not existing [12:09:54] Forest: I don't think you can run it from the web, it's a maintenance script. And are you really using 1.4 version of MediaWiki? [12:13:34] They said before they were (and had just inherited it) [12:16:41] Nikerabbit: unfortunately yes - it's a 1.4.7 [12:18:39] and I didn't run it from web. I used cmd [12:21:48] As per ashley was suggesting... IT's looking a lot like the variables being used (at least for the db username) is an empty string [12:22:16] You might be able to get away with doing someting like [12:22:57] Hmm, no... You'll probably need a temporary https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:AdminSettings.php [12:26:09] that's what I derived from ashley's links. But I don't have the credentials for the admin user. I'll need to try with the "normal" user credentials [12:26:27] maybe they are same [12:27:04] In many older installs, they probably are, indeed [12:27:15] Do you have the "root" login details or anything? [12:28:12] I can login to phpmyadmin if you mean that [12:28:47] Not perfect, but should be good enough [12:28:58] Though if phpmyadmin is as old as MW... It will be full of security holes :) [12:29:11] But you can probably create a wikiadin user if the wikiuser one isn't sufficient [12:30:45] yeah for sure their are a lot of security holes - thats why I want to update it [12:33:24] :)