[01:27:07] I haven't had a chance to figure out what the syntax errors are in this page: https://electowiki.org/wiki/Reweighted_Range_Voting . However, it seems that User:Fsargent added them, and I'd love someone else to beat me to fixing the page. [01:38:26] * ryzenda slaps robla around a bit with a large trout (as requested, to encourage them to fix the page) [01:39:05] the trout was unpersuasive [01:39:27] hehe, I thought a Khaled Mardam-Bey tribute might work [13:10:15] Hello [15:47:25] MrMeAndMrMe: hi [17:39:50] ryzenda: wasn't that the mirc guy? [17:39:57] sounds very familiar [17:41:03] without looking up backlog or googling.. taking this as trivia... Khaled Madam-Barkey ? [17:41:32] ah..almost :) [17:51:39] amazing, last time i've seen mirc is well over 20 years ago [17:59:22] tuxick: and everyone knows the name because there was that pop-up everytime you opened an unlicensed mIRC and of course nobody had a license, either that pop-up or some "crack" [18:03:33] it was just when i was going linux [18:03:39] so it was bx soon enough [18:18:40] lol, bx was even more of a throwback now [18:23:27] i wrote a patch for it to do dcc over ipv6 [19:41:03] tuxick, yep, he created mIRC [19:53:29] * Remilia has licences for both mIRC and X-Chat/win32 from many, many years ago [19:54:16] moved all of the wikis I host to PHP 8.0, no issues so far [19:54:19] hurrah [19:54:35] except one I guess [19:55:19] during update.php, "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1809 of /var/www/wiki.koumakan.jp/w/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: Error 23502: ERROR: column "user_token" of relation "user" contains null values" which was unexpected [19:55:34] apparently there was user ID=0 'Anonymous' [19:56:01] happened with 4 different wikis that were upgraded multiple times over the years [19:56:30] also interesting that despite using postgresql, their user table is "user", not "mwuser" [19:56:43] guess this is legacy stuff [20:14:28] What is the current recommended way for a user to customize their own UI? I want to add a few tools to my toolbox, but the last way I remember doing it was with like addPortletLink() or something else that just doesn't exist anymore. Do we just use jQuery these days? [20:16:28] jfolv, addPortletLink is now mw.util.addPortletLink, see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader/Core_modules#addPortletLink [20:24:36] Does mediawiki have a method to extend default search via extension not only replace or duplicate the default search with an extension or other method? [20:58:13] faktor: default search is mysql fulltext search so you could "extend" it at the mysql level somehow, perhaps. Not entirely sure what you're thinking of doing [21:01:11] moonmoon, I just want to co-op the search entry and a process engine on the word and then send it to the default search as the user had entered in the new word or words. [21:01:42] ok so you want to effectively issue multiple searches behind-the-scenes and then aggregate the results? [21:01:43] moonmoon, A preprocessor for the default search [21:01:52] Yes [21:03:14] I want to still use the default search , just ad a front end to it and as you said "aggregate multiple searches" into one. If the default one will do that. [21:04:40] Will default search treat "data" & "scale" as two search words and already aggregate these searches. [21:05:20] If so, then I dont need to rewrite any of that, just use what already default search. [21:07:20] Just from testing my mediawiki search this is not being done [21:08:14] or maybe my pages are not correctly tagged. Trying to figure that out [21:12:00] faktor: by default assuming you're using mysql or mariadb, you can use + and - to help finesse search results: + in front of a word indicates the word must be included, - indicates the word must not be included. Not specifying something means any of the words can be included [21:12:14] Nice thanks [21:12:30] so searching for "data scale" will find any results with data or with scale, "+data +scale" will only find results with both data and scale [21:12:57] Okay and is that with only the title or any text in the page. [21:13:02] any text in the page [21:13:05] Okay [21:13:25] with some exceptions; common words like 'and' are ignored [21:13:36] AntiComposite: Thank you! [21:13:40] Good to know [21:14:17] Any way to modify this ignore option? [21:14:45] Say I also want to make sure -redundant is not in page [21:15:19] mysql server config [21:15:31] exact config depends on the storage engine of your text table [21:15:36] (InnoDB vs MyISAM) [21:16:04] it's called the stopword list or stopword file, which should help you find it [21:16:14] Innodb , but any config file for adding words to ignore list [21:16:20] okay [21:16:25] Thanks [21:17:20] from the docs: "If the innodb_ft_user_stopword_table option is set, the stopwords are taken from that table. Else, if the innodb_ft_server_stopword_table option is set, the stopwords are taken from that table. Otherwise, a built-in set of default stopwords is used." [21:17:44] so it seems like it wants it in a table of some fashion, it'll be on you to create and populate it [21:17:55] once you change the list of stopwords you will need to rebuild the search index [21:18:04] mediawiki ships a maintenance script to do that [21:18:16] Right [21:18:23] Good pointers thans [21:20:48] are you using mysql or mariadb, btw? [21:21:01] Mariadb [21:21:29] MariaDB 10.3.34 [21:22:22] cool; https://mariadb.com/kb/en/full-text-index-overview/#in-boolean-mode gives a nice table with the special search syntax you can use [21:23:17] Oh wow so that is how it processes the search. [21:30:26] hmm, seems mediawiki preprocesses it a bit so some things (like parenthetical groups) aren't going to work [21:34:36] Okay So "Hybrid Cloud" could only be sent as two words and not one "word" [21:35:36] if you quote it in the search it'll be treated as a phrase [21:36:43] nice so it will work, that is fine as long as it has a way , I can generate a postformat to the mediawiki engine to work with its limitation [21:36:56] what won't work is -(hybrid cloud) to exclude both hybrid and cloud; you'd have to write it as -hybrid -cloud [21:37:20] because mediawiki will ignore () [21:37:22] nice, that is fine [21:37:32] Got it