[07:41:03] hi guys [07:41:35] how do i add a contents box [07:41:39] to look like wikipedia [07:42:39] ohh headings [15:10:24] is there a simple skin where search box doesn't scroll away? or a standard setting? [15:31:38] Skin:Timeless or Vector with sticky header? [16:51:56] thanks, checking [16:58:47] oh timeless looks nice, but not sticky [17:00:20] ah right :) [17:00:28] perfect [20:58:29] Hi ;-) [20:59:47] I have a question about Skin Gamepress. Can someone help me? Possibly also in German? [21:05:05] mutante: ^ [21:09:02] Hi everyone, [21:09:02] nice that I found you. I really hope that you can help me, because I'm at my wits end. [21:09:03] sorry for the english [21:09:03] I have installed WikiMedia version 1.37.2 and would like to use the Gamepress skin. This contains different versions (green, blue, orange, default is red). [21:09:04] I've been looking for a lot of hours but I can't find a way to set the default skin on Gamepress to be green. [21:09:04] Can someone tell me which command must be entered in location.php? [21:12:53] Toscman: set $wgDefaultTheme to 'green' in LocalSettings.php [21:13:58] Thanks, [21:13:59] I will try that immediately. [21:18:56] $wgDefaultSkin = "gamepress"; [21:18:57] $wgDefaultTheme = "green"; [21:18:57] Unfortunately that doesn't work. There is no error message either, but it is still red [21:20:57] Do you have Extension:Theme installed? [21:26:38] Of course I didn't! Thanks very much. [21:26:38] Your the best. ;-) [21:54:13] Theme really should be a core feature, but, well >.> [21:54:22] but glad that you're liking Gamepress ;-)