[00:09:30] Hmmmm, I need to figure out a way for php function onParserFirstCallInit to send a function call statement to client side JavaScript that exists in an added module [00:11:19] hmm, maybe addJsConfigVars might be useful [00:18:58] Yep! It seems useful! "OutputPage::addModules call and OutputPage::addJsConfigVars go well together" [01:56:58] Hey there, I am a student who is working on an assignment and just learned about OOUI, is there anyone who can help answer some very basic questions [01:57:58] I do not have a programming background so it's slightly more complex [02:28:14] DJ: #wikimedia-editing would probably be a better channel for OOUI questions [05:21:53] Thank You, will reach out there [05:51:34] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Config.php "provide access to read and write various configuration settings" How do I set config values? [05:52:50] Also, I'm not sure if this is the best place to set key/value pairs for configuration to pass to JS in modules using $parser->getOutput()->addJsConfigVars( 'wgPhotoSwipeConfig', self::$config ); [05:53:32] but I'm currently trying to set lots of array and object values as variables inside the extension's config to then pass to JavaScript to process further [06:00:35] oh, I suppose i should just modify $GLOBALS['wgExtensionName'] maybe [06:17:13] Ah, this seems better: $parser->getOutput()->addJsConfigVars( array( 'wgPhotoSwipeConfig' => self::getConfigValue( 'PhotoSwipeConfig' ) ) );