[01:23:28] Hello [01:28:34] Goodbye [03:31:20] Partially I think I got this to work,or at least I see (from onBeforePageDisplay) something being added `$out->addModules( 'js.photoswipe-dynamic-caption-plugin' );` (from onParserFirstCallInit's call to renderTagPhotoSwipe) but I am curious about [03:31:46] if a module has a dependency listed in extension.json, how come that module doesn't appear to be listed too? [03:32:45] Is there another function call to check for loading/addmodulesing dependencies also? [05:35:52] Yay! I updated a working release! https://github.com/jasonkhanlar/mediawiki-extensions-PhotoSwipe/ [05:44:23] Anyone has any experience migrating MoinMoin wikidata to Mediawiki ? [05:55:05] nomicon, I don't, but maybe see https://mediawiki.org/wiki/MoinMoin [05:55:49] ryzenda: yeah I was looking at it, curoius if someone in here had any current knowledge [05:57:19] Also found this one: https://dev.w3.org/2008/moinmoin2mediawiki/README.html [05:57:27] It states "Check whether attachments are enabled via the LocalConfig.php" [05:57:41] Is this done through an extensions or is attachment enabled per default in Mediawiki ? [06:11:58] nomicon, noob here, but I think that is referring to your MediaWiki's LocalSettings.php main configuration script https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:LocalSettings.php [06:13:09] and that 14 year old readme is probably based on very outdated version of MediaWiki, lol,but maybe also see https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgEnableUploads [06:13:28] mm [06:32:48] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T306414#7879585 [06:51:55] Uhm yeah that perl script for mm2mw.pl is giving me problems.. Can't call method "getAttribute" on an undefined value at mm2mw.pl line 1173, line 8. [07:35:48] Should my main wikimedia account, that I created during setup/install be able to login through API ? I get Incorrect username or password entered. Please try again. when trying to login to api from code, but it works in the browser for normal login. Is there any access grants that needs to be made? [07:42:27] Hi, I installed MediaWiki on my Nginx server. It's working fine but when accessing .css or .js pages it's showing 404 not found error. I also tried to upload an image but it shows the same not found error so is there any configuration I need to set? Thanks [07:44:09] Guest97: You'll have to share your nginx configuration, since most probably your css/js/image files are not correctly mapped to the directories [07:45:57] Do I need to share here? I included these conf for short URL https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL/Nginx [07:53:03] server { [07:53:03] listen 80; [07:53:04] server_name example.org www.example.org mail.example.org www.mail.example.org; [07:53:04] access_log /var/sentora/logs/domains/mainwiki/example.org-access.log main; [07:53:05] error_log /var/sentora/logs/domains/mainwiki/example.org-error.log error; [07:53:05] modsecurity On; [07:53:06] modsecurity_rules_file /etc/nginx/modsec/modsecurity.conf; [07:53:06] location / { [07:53:07] root /home/mainwiki/public_html; [07:53:07] index index.html index.htm index.php; [07:53:08] try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args; [07:53:08] rewrite ^/acp/$ http://example.org:2086 redirect; [07:53:09] rewrite ^/acp$ http://example.org:2086 redirect; [07:53:09] rewrite ^/ucp/$ http://example.org:2082 redirect; [07:53:10] rewrite ^/ucp$ http://example.org:2082 redirect; [07:53:10] rewrite ^/webmail/$ http://example.org:2095 redirect; [07:53:11] rewrite ^/webmail$ http://example.org:2095 redirect; [07:53:11] } [07:53:33] Guest97: please use https://dpaste.org/ for pasting in the future -- thanks! [07:53:35] @Vulpix this is what I have plus settings in the link I mentioned above. [07:54:09] Thank you urbanecm I was not  aware of this. [07:54:16] no problem! [07:54:45] the rule on line 26 should take care of css and js files [07:55:02] Of course, if they're inside skins or extensions folder [07:55:53] The rule on line 12 takes care of uploads. It should work [07:56:37] location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|ico|css|js)$ { [07:56:38]         expires 365d; [07:56:38]     } [07:56:46] Do I need to mention the location here? [07:57:35] Sorry Nginx is a bit complicated. I was using Apache earlier and it's way easier to use but slow. [07:58:25] it looks good to me [07:59:01] But another more specific rule may be overriding it first [07:59:34] Looks like you're not using the conf located here https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Short_URL/Nginx [07:59:58] I generated conf using https://shorturls.redwerks.org/ [08:00:17] But if you suggest I can use listed on the link you shared above. [08:00:31] You can share your complete configuration again, on dpaste.org, and not selected snippets [08:13:17] @Vulpix Here you go https://dpaste.org/rZp2O [08:15:33] Does it work now? [08:15:33] The location of this file is /etc/nginx/availablesites/example.org.conf (I changed my domain to example for privacy) [08:15:59] Nope, I restarted Nginx but no luck. [08:21:53] I recommend enabling rewrite log to debug what's going on https://serverfault.com/questions/333048/best-way-to-debug-nginx-rewrite-rules-in-config-file [08:23:46] Sure, I'll do that and get back soon. Thanks [08:26:02] but I don't see anything wrong with the configuration... without knowing the actual URLs that are failing, of course [09:11:35] Vulpix the error is "directory index of "/etc/sentora/panel/etc/static/pages/" is forbidden, client:, server: , request: "HEAD / HTTP/1.1", host: "localhost", referrer: "not"" [09:12:26] That error is not from viewing a css,js or image file. as you can see, it's a HEAD request to the root [09:13:43] This is what I see when visiting the .css page. [09:23:23] Does the timestamp in the log display the current date and time? If not, you may be seeing an old log, and new logs aren't being generated [09:27:29] Yes, the most recent one was on the same time I pressed enter to example.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [09:33:21] It should have printed GET /wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css and not HEAD / [09:37:55] Hmmmm something isn't right with my conf I guess. [09:39:06] I'll check and get back. [10:16:26] @Vulpix ok so got this new error in the log open() "/home/mainwiki/public_html/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css" failed (2: No such file or directory) request: "GET /wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css HTTP/1.1" [10:31:01] Guest97: This matches line 132 https://dpaste.org/rZp2O#L132 then rewrites matching line 71, which goes to the wiki engine. I don't know why it would try to open a physical /home/mainwiki/public_html/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css file [10:34:44] And on uploading images I'm getting the following error: [10:34:44] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 400 (phase 2). Matched "Operator `Eq' with parameter `0' against variable `REQBODY_ERROR' (Value: `1' ) [file "/etc/nginx/modsec/modsecurity.conf"] [line "53"] [id "200002"] [rev ""] [msg "Failed to parse request body."] [data "Multipart parsing error: Multipart: Final boundary missing."] [severity "2"] [ver ""] [10:34:45] [maturity "0"] [accuracy "0"] [10:36:40] Disable or configure ModSecurity to allow file uploads [10:38:48] Ok and my script path is $wgScriptPath = ""; and in the conf file I set / instead of /w/ so do you think that could be the reason? [10:43:04] The example config uses /w/ because that's the default for $wgScriptPath when using the installer. However, if your setup uses "" as $wgScriptPath, then it's correct to modify all the rules in nginx to use the root directly instead of /w/ [15:02:21] @Vulpix I just tried without adding the following  settings in my LocalSetting.php and .css and .js page scan be loaded but after adding these settings it's giving the 404 error. [15:02:21] $wgScriptPath = ""; [15:02:22] $wgArticlePath = "/wiki/$1"; [15:02:22] $wgUsePathInfo = true;