[00:14:06] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Extension parameter "phabricator" - How do I know what the project name is? For example is this related? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/diffusion/EPHS/ [00:17:44] ryzenda, that's for the Phabricator project used to track issues, if it exists. I don't see one for PhotoSwipe, but you can request one by following https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Phabricator/Creating_and_renaming_projects [00:19:15] AntiComposite, Thanks. Also is this (Wikitech/Gerrit) related to Phabricator or something completely separate? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/admin/repos/mediawiki%2Fextensions%2FPhotoSwipe [00:19:33] Gerrit is the code review system [00:19:57] Phabricator is the project management and bug tracking system. It can also do code review and repo hosting, but we mostly don't use it [00:20:16] you can use the same developer account for both [00:39:43] Ah also I see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phabricator mentions there is a fork named Phorge [00:56:25] yeah, the original developer/maintainer decided they didn't want to continue developing/maintaining it [01:27:56] https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Websites an hour ago I was trying to visit the page, and it didn't work, and still pages aren't loading at that site. [01:28:43] https://isitdownrightnow.com/wikiapiary.com.html claims it is down for everyone [01:29:55] 504 Gateway Time-out [01:32:09] First https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PhotoSwipe -> Check usage and version matrix. -> https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Extension:PhotoSwipe -> 49,326 wikis -> 504 gateway time-out for https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Category:Website [01:32:35] oh, and now it's working! Yay whoever fixed it! [01:34:11] but also I just tried searching at that site in the top-right textbox and:A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software.[4a85248728f367b8ead9a28a] 2022-04-28 01:33:40: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError" [01:41:10] Oh what? "Your account has been created. Please be aware that if you do not make any edits on this wiki within 14 days your account will be automatically deleted." Maybe this website is not associated with Wikimedia? [01:41:34] Does that mean I have to use the site every 14 days or less? [01:50:18] Wikitext parsing seems to be broken https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/MediaWiki.org [01:50:28] Click general tab and scroll down [01:53:12] lol what happened on March 6th 2022 in the pages and articles graph? https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/MediaWiki.org [07:14:02] I found a few MediaWiki extensions related to Git, but I didn't find any offering capability that I was looking for. Before I delve into maybe writing such an extension, I'm curious if it seems feasible or not. An idea I have is, for every revision to a page, to create a git commit for a git repository, and to synchronize the Wikitext content to be formatted and synchronized to be published also in a public git repository. [07:15:53] For a few months now one person has been repeatedly suggesting to me to help contribute to their git repo of various informational things and I looked at it, but never contributed, but I just realized, given that I started working on a MediaWiki site, that I can possibly automate something so that all the informations can be duplicated into a git repo to fit the formatting that would otherwise duplicate the informations to [07:15:53] match the other git environment. [07:16:31] Does something like that seem like a reasonable extension to create? [07:18:43] I noticed https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Git2Pages which seems like it does the exact opposite of what I was thinking. [07:19:09] So Extension:Pages2Git instead [18:55:49] The i18n message for "anoneditwarning" I would like to add a mention about using VPNs, and Tor as additional information pertinente to concealing IP address to keep everyone that doesn't know anything about those things to know more than zero things about thing in the message. How can I update the message to be include additional info? [18:58:01] Also it might be convenient to show the user's IP address on the page so that they can confirm/verify if the Tor/VPN ip address is being recognized instead of another IP address [19:00:30] ryzendar: go to the page "MediaWiki:Anoneditwarning" on the wiki in question [19:01:08] also see the special page that lists all messages, like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:AllMessages?prefix=anon&filter=all&lang=en&limit=50 [19:03:00] Oh right! I forgot it was that simple! Thanks! [19:03:08] if you want to change the default for all mediawikis that would be a code change .. not sure if you meant that [19:03:17] ok :)