[00:52:02] Editing MediaWiki:Citizen.css at https://dev.moasspedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Citizen.css Why is the :root { ... } section showing errors and prompting me with "The document contains errors. Are you sure you want to publish?" ? [00:52:24] I validated the CSS at https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator and the CSS appears valid. [01:01:43] RhinosF1, mutante: i'll take a look, but mutante's suggestion already got me past the segfault, so i won't rush. [23:55:24] Hey folks, I'm trying to put a notice at the top of the Special:CreateAccount page to clarify some legal things. I was looking into the system messages, but I didn't quite find anything that would indicate that it could display above the form. Am I going to have to use a hook for this?