[01:32:24] Hi all, I've got MW 1.37.1 and I want to add a custom CSS. I'm using the Vector skin. Back in an older version, I just edited main.css but that doesn't seem to exist now [01:32:46] is there a guide on how to edit an existing skin? [01:39:05] main.css has never existed. what older version, and are you on a wikifarm of some sort? [01:39:16] s/never/not for a long long long time [01:47:32] you could fork the main skin file into a seperate skin, or you could use the on wiki [[Mediawiki:Vector.css]] [01:47:35] /cc ashley [01:48:16] Izno: it was a very old version I used to use [01:48:30] I'm reading on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-site.css?tableofcontents=1 [01:48:44] yeah, don't do that [01:48:45] I've set $wgUseSiteCss = "true"; but I think it's true by default [01:48:52] I don't see where that file is on disk though [01:49:00] if you want to modify Vector, you should follow what snake said [01:49:11] if you want to make your own skin, you should make your own skin [01:49:33] I don't want to make my own skin, I just want to create one CSS entry I used on the old wiki [01:51:07] p858snake: thanks, that worked! [01:53:07] thanks both for answering on a Friday night / Saturday morning. Have a lovely weekend [01:53:46] we're on IRC, why wouldn't we answer at any/all hours? :upside_down: [01:54:17] before IRC had away status it was actually illegal to not be available 24/7 [01:54:33] now you just have to be available 12/7 [04:30:51] Hi again, I'm trying to upload a png file (image), and I'm getting "File extension ".png" does not match the detected MIME type of the file (image/svg+xml)." [04:31:21] I've tried setting: $wgFileExtensions = array_merge( $wgFileExtensions, array( 'doc', 'xls', 'mpp', 'pdf', 'ppt', 'xlsx', 'jpg', 'tiff', 'odt', 'odg', 'ods', 'odp', 'png')); [04:31:35] and: $wgTrustedMediaFormats[] = 'image/svg+xml'; [04:32:01] I've restarted httpd.service and php-fpm.service, but I still get that error [04:32:06] could I get a clue-stick? [04:45:39] your png file isn't a png file [04:45:49] MediaWiki is reading the mime type as svg [04:45:57] so change the name of the file to .svg [04:50:29] ok, that fixed that, but a new problem... Error creating thumbnail: /bin/bash: convert: command not found [04:50:39] # which convert [04:50:39] /usr/bin/convert [04:51:16] either your thumbnailing software doesn't exist or it doesn't have the right permissions or the specific script is mia [04:52:34] nothing matching 'convert' in audit.log, so doesn't appear to be an selinux denial [04:53:52] haha, oops, I was checking on the old server... Sigh [04:54:24] there, fixed [04:54:32] thanks, Izno !! [08:53:55] I've set $wgUseSiteCss = "true"; but I think it's true by default <-- according to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgUseSiteCss that is indeed correct (but if it weren't, you'd still want $wgUseSiteCss = true; and *not* $wgUseSiteCss = "true"; because it's a boolean variable, not a string :-) [08:54:55] as others mentioned, it's a Bad Idea™ to be directly editing a skin's main CSS(/LESS) file; using the on-wiki .css and .js pages is a much better, saner, more future-proof approach [08:55:32] you might also be interested in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Theme (full disclaimer: I'm its main maintainer :P) [08:58:14] any kind of local changes ("core hacks"), whether to main MW core files or to extensions' or skins' files, should really be avoided to the extent that it is possible for they'll make it harder to upgrade MW itself/the extension or skin in question, especially if you didn't document your local changes properly in a way that's easy to search for etc.; furthermore, for *most* users' _most_ use cases there /is/ guaranteed to be a better approach (like in this [08:58:14] case, using the on-wiki MediaWiki: CSS and JS pages is much better than directly editing the skin files on the file system)