[16:54:34] getting a few of these: Patching file vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php using Plan A... \ Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [y] [16:54:39] when applying the 1.38.1 patch [16:54:41] hmm [16:56:51] Had you put anything extra into your vendor before? [16:57:58] Reedy: I used `composer update` when adding simplebatchupload [16:58:07] That'll probably explain it then [16:58:18] Vendor isn't how the tarball would expect it to be [16:58:26] oh hmm [16:58:40] you are right, all three conflicts are under composer [16:59:05] thank you [17:00:07] I guess I will just extract the full 1.38.1 tarball and move things over [21:15:19] hello [21:15:55] does anyone use: Extension:ConfirmAccount ? I've finally have it installed but it looks like users can create accounts and use them no problem [21:16:21] what am I doing wrong or what do I need to setup so only comfirmed users can create pages and make edits to pages? [21:18:25] did you follow the installation instructions, including the step for MediaWiki 1.35+ ? https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ConfirmAccount#Installation [21:19:30] AntiComposite, I had a question about that. How do I do it? [21:19:56] how do I set permission explicitly? [21:20:12] you add those lines to your LocalSettings.php (see https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:LocalSettings.php) [21:20:33] ahh ok in localsetting.php good one seccond [21:23:26] so I need to add both: $wgGroupPermissions['*']['createaccount'] = false; and $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['createaccount'] = true; or just the latter? And where do I do it in localsettings.php? [21:23:51] should it be after: wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmAccount' ); ? [21:24:41] after is generally better, though order wouldn't have an effect here [21:25:02] and you'll want both lines [21:25:07] Ok and both or just $wgGroupPermissions['bureaucrat']['createaccount'] = true;? I'm thinking both? [21:25:25] Both [21:25:32] and once I've modified localsettings do I need to restart the service or something? [21:29:32] In most cases, no [21:29:54] ok going to test then [21:30:26] you should know if you need to [21:30:40] Default mediawiki should be fine [21:31:47] ok done and it looks to have worked [21:32:06] Nice :) [21:36:08] hmm unregistered users can still create pages and edit. I assume I need to set that up somewhere. But at least people can't create accounts [21:37:25] You'll want to remove a lot of rights from '*', and then add them back to 'user' [21:37:44] Reedy, ya... just not sure how [21:37:50] $wgGroupPermissions['*']['edit'] = false; [21:37:55] $wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = true; [21:37:56] etc [21:38:21] this is in localsetting I assume [21:38:27] how do I see the group permissions? [21:38:40] is that in: Special:SpecialPages [21:38:42] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ListGroupRights [21:40:10] ok lets try this out [21:41:33] hmm ok cool it worked [21:42:05] I assume I should also remove create discussion pages and create pages [21:43:39] Reedy, btw I don't think you need to set: $wgGroupPermissions['user']['edit'] = true; as it is set to that by default ? [21:44:13] Maybe [21:44:14] I lose track [21:53:40] oh hey if anyone is around and can go to: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ConfirmAccount#Configuration and do a search for 'Minimal' it says: Add the following to LocalSettings.php after the line require_once "$IP/extensions/ConfirmAccount/ConfirmAccount.php" I don't have that I assume that was replaced by: wfLoadExtension( 'ConfirmAccount' ); ??? [21:57:23] Peppi^: I think your assumption is correct. back in the days loading an extension was always adding one of those require_once lines. [21:57:28] this is also confirmed by this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Extension_registration#Migration_for_site_administrators [21:57:39] kk great