[00:55:59] hi! I've been hitting an error consistently trying to open the visual editor after upgrading to 1.37.x - tracked it down to this exception: Error: Class "Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Document" not found [00:56:00] https://dpaste.org/BinvY [00:57:29] any ideas? as far as I can tell that class should be provided by dodo or DOM/Compat, both of which are... there? [01:15:27] probably DomImpl.php doesn't get run for some reason [01:15:44] I simplified this in 802d1bb3ac20135d1ba15bec4026b0a77feacf50 but you're probably using a version from before that [01:16:23] I sure am - funnily enough I'm looking at that commit right now, but it didn't make it into the 1.37 branch seemingly [01:17:06] it's supposed to be run when the composer autoloader is registered [01:18:22] it gets called in extension/src/RegistrationHookHandler.php, seemingly [01:19:26] if it's not called already [01:37:01] hmm! ok, it's _not_ getting run (or at least, a wfDebug I put at the top is never getting printed) [01:37:05] ok, why [01:41:46] the onRegistration handler for Parsoid isn't getting run - maybe that's expected if it's VisualEditor starting up Parsoid itself, though? [01:43:52] it _does_ get run if I wfLoadExtension Parsoid manually [01:44:31] oh great, now I get Exception: Serialization of 'Wikimedia\Parsoid\DOM\Compat\Element' is not allowed [01:51:43] https://dpaste.org/K9kg2 [01:55:45] so DOM\Compat\Element is just a PHP DOMElement, right? [02:14:32] ah! found it [02:15:06] this is hitting T307982, fixed in e199b22 [02:15:07] T307982: Visual editor exception with PHP 8.1 on pages that use templates - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T307982 [02:18:36] so parsoid just needs upgrading to 0.14.1 [02:23:33] ah, but composer.lock for 1.37.2 specifies 0.14.0... might need to ask distribution maintainers to patch [02:35:28] or wait for 1.37.3 ig [03:50:56] ask Reedy [11:39:47] felixphew: 1.37.3 is due out this week [11:44:54] Reedy: ah, excellent, thanks [14:12:09] I'm trying to simplify my MediaWiki farm into one file from a GSS with several LocalSettings.php files and was wondering if anyone can help with an issue I'm having. After doing so, one wiki, "wiki1" loads, but the others don't load and I get a central auth error saying: [14:12:10] https://pastebin.com/CA9sZpdW is the LocalSettings file, I'm wondering if anyone can point out where I'm making a mistake? [14:12:24] the error didn't paste, but its /wiki/wikisitename Error: Call to a member function getCanonicalServer() on null [14:16:29] Is there a line number? [14:18:21] Reedy https://ibb.co/NLcMbYL [14:18:45] is the error, no line number for the LocalSettings.php file, but it seems to be CentralAuth throwing the issue? [14:19:18] Yeah, but with "Error: Call to a member function getCanonicalServer() on null" alone we can't tell you what's wrong or where :P [14:20:21] doesn't seem to be giving me any more than the error in the screencap, though [14:20:27] >$wiki = WikiMap::getWiki( WikiMap::getCurrentWikiId() ); [14:20:37] That function call is returning null [14:22:09] > * @return WikiReference|null WikiReference object or null if the wiki was not found [14:22:32] hmm, okay, I don't get why because the settings all seem to be fine :O [14:22:46] They're presumably not then [14:26:22] hmmm interesting [14:27:13] Why are you setting $wgConf->settings multiple times? [14:28:16] Also, don't use "?>" at the end [14:28:20] I followed the walkthrough for the installation of the extension — doesn't seem to be an issue when using a GSS and separate LocalSettings files but just won't work presently [14:30:28] (I've removed the duplicates $wgConf->settings) [14:44:44] I'm pretty sure the set up is right considering it works with separate LS.php files, it just won't work combined for some reason [14:46:51] If it doesn't work, it's not right :) [14:47:42] okay I figured it out, there were some residual settings from a different extension interfering:P [14:59:16] lol [21:46:34] Hi all, I added: wfLoadExtension( 'SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi' ); [21:47:11] to my LocalSettings.php file, and reloaded apache (and it's in my extensions folder), it's not working yet. Is there a way to see what extensions are enabled? [21:47:38] Special:Version [21:47:43] What do you mean it's not working though? [21:48:14] I see it's enabled (version 2). [21:48:45] "Not working" as it the ok, back to my documenting, thank you kindly, Reedy