[21:30:08] Good day. I have installed mediawiki using the docker image: it has a container_name of 'wiki' and is listening on port 8080. I would like this to be served via nginx-proxy-manager as wiki.domainname.org on port 443 with https. What is the correct setting for $wgServer in LocalSettings? [21:37:27] underpaid_intern, $wgServer is what is used to generate links and HTTP redirects and such, so it should be the base URL of the server, including protocol. ( https://wiki.domainname.org ) [21:37:31] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgServer [22:08:40] Thank you for the reply, but I'm still having trouble. Setting my $wgServer to anything except for 'http://domainname.org:8080' gives an SSL error and I cannot manage a cert for it externally. [22:17:05] letsencrypt gives out free certificates [22:17:24] if you don't have a certificate, well, you will get a certificate error when accessing through https [22:17:28] that's pretty much intended [22:18:28] 'http://domainname.org:8080' - gives wiki page in http mode as expected; 'http://wiki.domainname.org:8080' - redirects to https, which fails [22:18:37] and if I may give an opinion, they shouldn't expect that interns deploy a production service (a wiki here) on its own... [22:19:16] that's a very correct opinion, Platonides [22:20:35] thinks involving docker makes it harder instead of eaiser [22:22:27] I'm trying docker because I'm trying to keep services separated, because otherwise I'm having react apps trying to ingest the wiki as an api endpoint. [23:06:51] join #mediawiki-core