[20:07:11] Noticed something interesting. Bulbapedia is showing up in the "largest wikis" listing on wikistats as having version 1.18.2, but it correctly shows 1.35.2 in the regular listings. This is strange, because we haven't been on 1.18 in forever. Is that some kind of caching issue? [20:07:50] (Compare https://wikistats.wmcloud.org/largest_html.php?s=good_desc&th=0&lines=500 to https://wikistats.wmcloud.org/display.php?t=mw ) [20:12:42] I would have to imagine it can't be something on our end. [20:17:28] it doesn't look like mutante sits in this channel, maybe try #wikimedia-tech and ping dan in there [20:35:31] p858snake: Thanks, will do!