[20:38:20] hi [20:39:44] what is the difference between MediaWiki Action API and MediaWiki REST API? [20:40:57] all I need from the API. just search for Wikipedia pages [20:41:21] which one could i use? [21:42:10] Guest25: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Opensearch [21:44:28] api.php: Action API. rest.php: REST API. the latter is newer, but also more incomplete. It doesn't matter in practice. Just a different structure [21:45:58] hi thank you so much, I appreciate that  :) [21:46:41] if I may, I have one more question. [21:46:46] what is the difference between search by title and OpenSearch format? my website is like a search engine. [21:48:59] Krinkle: and thanks again for help :) [21:50:05] Guest25: what do you mean with 'search by title'? [21:50:35] opensearch is what we use on Wikipedia.org for search suggestion when you type [21:50:45] "opensearch format" is the JSON object you get in response [21:52:47] Krinkle: for search by title i mean "using action api to Search for a title or text like this [21:52:48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox#action=query&list=search&srsearch=Nelson%20Mandela&utf8=&format=json [21:54:05] Guest25: slower and serves a different purpose. [21:56:11] Krinkle: so OpenSearch is better? [21:58:45] yes [21:58:52] Free space [21:59:07] Yesid [21:59:09] Krinkle: thank you so much :) [22:10:58] Krinkle: Hi, I just noticed that wikis descriptions are no longer supported and the second array only contains empty strings. [22:10:59] But for each result I want the description to be there. [22:10:59] is there a solution? [22:11:00] thanks. [22:18:30] Guest25: try https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:REST_API/Reference#Search_result_object instead [22:23:57] Krinkle: ok, thank you so much, I appreciate that :)