[15:05:39] Hi, is there any extension available for infinite scrolling? [15:22:02] Hi sorry I got disconnected. My question was is there any extension for infinite scrolling? Thanks [15:33:49] Can someone please help? [19:29:36] Would anyone here happen to be versed in SQL issues? [19:36:38] Guest38: probably, I'd start from asking the actual question (see https://dontasktoask.com/) [19:37:41] I'm trying to clone a wiki by uploading the SQL, but I keep getting the error #1146--is that in media wiki's index or would that be on the host's end? [19:45:41] doing a quick search, mysql error 1146 is "Error Table 'XXXXX' doesn't exist" [19:46:00] This means the SQL dump you took doesn't include the CREATE TABLE statement, only the data [19:47:11] Well that's a lot of egg on my face, thanks for clearing that up. Would I be able to create the data in phpmyadmin, or do I need to do something else? [19:58:08] How did you take the dump? [19:59:08] I did not, the previous wiki host created it when he announced that he is retiring [19:59:13] one usually takes a dump running: mysqldump --add-locks --create-options --extended-insert --single-transaction --quick --set-charset --master-data=2 DATABASENAME [20:00:12] I'll try and contact him about the issue. Just to be certain, this is not something I would be able to fix because I don't have the original site data, correct? [20:01:29] You seem to have an empty database, and a dump that only inserts rows to existing tables. That's not going to work [20:02:37] You can run the MediaWiki installer, which will create all the tables, but that will also populate some data that will cause errors when importing your dump, aborting the import or resulting in an inconsistent database [20:03:18] There's also a chance that you may not use the same MediaWiki version, and some tables have a different structure from the dump, resulting also in errors [20:03:37] The best thing you can do is to ask for a new dump, with the command I pasted before [20:04:03] Thanks for clearing all of this up for me. [20:04:23] I've got the command posted to notepad, now its just waiting for the original owner to log on.