[07:02:57] Hi, I recently installed Wikibase on my repo site and when I'm trying to add a link to client site it's showing error that "The external client site "en" did not provide page information for page "Main Page"." so can someone please help me understand why it's showing this error? [07:03:35] The client site is located at example.com/articles/$1 and repo site located at example.com/data/$1 [07:04:40] I created site link using : php addSite.php --pagepath=https://example.com/articles/\$1 --filepath=https://example/com/\$1 --language en --interwiki-id en en mygroup [07:09:02] I don't know that much about wikibase, but it sounds like the repo is having trouble communicating with the client wiki [07:09:42] Yeah thats right but I have no idea why? [07:10:22] All the articles are located at example.com/article/$1 and I added the same in addsite but still not working. [07:10:34] I really don't know much about wikibase so this might be totally wrong, but i guess my starting point would probably be looking at DB config [07:12:39] The client DB has prefix but I'm not sure if I need to include that in $wgWBRepoSettings [07:13:37] Hmm, reading about this, it seems like this actually does it via the api, so scratch what i said [07:13:42] about db [07:15:01] Ok, so i think this might happen if the --filepath part is wrong, or if there is some firewall type thing preventing local connections [07:17:56] Ok so I doubt about the --filepath thing because as I said the repo is located at example.com/data/$1 and client at example.com/articles/$1 they are located in different directory of the same root domain so what should I put in the --filepath? what I added is --filepath=https://example.com/\$1 [07:18:35] filepath should be like your $wgScriptPath [07:19:16] so e.g. if your api.php is located at example.com/w/api.php then filepath should be example.com/w/$1 [07:19:54] Which is honestly quite confusing, because no where else in mediawiki uses the term filepath like that [07:20:04] * bawolff would have assumed they meant the path to uploaded files [07:20:49] but yeah, here they are using filepath to basically mean the long version of the url, where index.php and api.php are [07:21:44] Ok I see so let me check if my api is located at the location you pointed out above. [07:22:17] if you're not sure its location, try just editing a page, which should give you a url with index.php in it [07:22:28] It probably is also listed on Special:Version of your wiki [07:23:57] The location of the api is /articles/api.php [07:24:42] Ok, in that case your article path and file path are probably the same [07:25:05] So in my case I guess both  --pagepath and --filepath are the same is that correct? [07:25:10] yeah [07:25:23] Gotcha so let me just try with that. [07:25:31] I'm assuming an article named "Foo" would have a url like example.com/articles/Foo [07:26:41] Yes that's right [07:26:53] yep, they should be the same then [07:27:16] Ok I'm trying that. Thanks you :) [07:27:34] np [08:46:46] Hello again @bawolff I tried with above setting articlepath and filepath to the same url but no luck.