[07:06:40] hi guys , if I want to integrate Wikipedia rest API on react app which approach is efficient for performance? [07:06:40] - request from my back-end just 20 each time. (backend pagination) [07:06:41] - request the whole response from the backend and navigate on the front end (frontend pagination) [07:06:41] thanks. [07:12:42] It really depends on what you are doing, what you're paginating, etc [07:12:49] But either is probably fine [07:13:03] and i would suggest measuring both before doing something for performance reasons [07:16:50] thank you. [07:16:50] I mean this Wikipedia new API has a very light API response with maximum of 100 results. I think requesting the whole response and navigate on it on the front end might be faster. [07:16:51] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:REST_API/Reference [07:16:55] am i right? [07:18:18] In most network conditions, that seems like a resaonable assumption - that for an api response with only 100 results, latency of the request would dominate over transfer time [07:19:15] ok. thank you so much help :) [07:19:30] thanks for help [07:20:31] But i still reccomend being careful making performance decisions based on guesses... often what is faster can be unexpected. I generally reccomend doing what seems easiest, then measuring the different alternatives and changing if neccessary [07:20:48] Lots of people spend lots of time optimizing for things that don't matter [07:21:04] premature optimization is the root of all evil, as they say [07:21:31] true, i agree with you.