[05:51:51] Uhh-ohhh... 'composer update --no-dev' fails when updating. I moved the vendor-folder away to vendor-2022-09-30, like my own instructions for me tell me to do when upgrading something. The error from the composer is thrown from 'ArrayLoader.php line 44' and claims "Unknown package has no name defined ([{"name":"christian-riesen\/base32", [...]" [05:53:54] after that missing "base32" there is ton of lines in white screaming on red background complaining about stuff missing. I may have done something wrong or something has changed in how the minor version updating with git should be done [05:56:16] If someone wants to look at my method for doing a minor version upgrade, here it be: https://paste.debian.net/1255596/. Never had trouble like this with composer. I will also try to think about what is wrong [07:41:52] Ok, I reverted the wiki to old state. Weird stuff, the stuff in the vendor-folder seemed to be there but still got what seemed like a bunch of "Unknown package has no name defined" when running 'composer update --no-dev' with the old vendor-folder cleared out of the way [11:02:06] hello everyone, can anyone point me in the right direction with LocalSettings.php file and a docker installation? [11:02:29] The image page just says that that file should be in a volume but is not... [11:02:41] ... so what? :/ [11:04:40] I mean, this is what you can find on the image page: [11:04:42] By default, this image does not include any volumes. [11:04:43] The paths /var/www/html/images and /var/www/html/LocalSettings.php are things that generally ought to be volumes, but do not explicitly have a VOLUME declaration in this image because volumes cannot be removed. [11:04:43] $ docker run --rm mediawiki tar -cC /var/www/html/sites . | tar -xC /path/on/host/sites [11:05:24] as the installation requires that I copy the generated LocalSettings.php file in the main html directory, what am I supposed to do at this point? [11:06:02] (and what is that bash line supposed to do exactly...) [11:06:06] I'm quite confused [12:07:25] should I try the upgrade on another wiki or on a wiki on another server? Up to now just renaming the vendor-folder to vendor-YYYY-MM-DD and then the freshly created vendor-folder does not have any old junk, but this time doing the old routine 'composer update --no-dev' failed with screaming white on screaming red about (apparently) a bunch of "Unknown package has no name defined..." [12:08:52] I am thinking this is only a "registration" problem of sorts, so some new step must be added to generate something to avoid the mass of "Unknown package has no name defined...". Any help or clues would be much appreciated. Not a pro, but trying to maintain wikis pro-bono [13:23:02] Hi, I recently install the ConfirmAccount extension and when I'm accepting a account request I'm getting this error that " MWException: Descriptor with no class for realname: " so can someone please tell if there is a solution? [13:42:06] what MediaWiki version are you using? what version of ConfirmAccount? [14:06:34] Hi, I recently installed ConfirmAccount extension and I was trying to accept a account request but getting this error "MWException: Descriptor with no class for realname" so can someone pelase help point out the cause? Thank you [15:51:54] Hi anyone aware of the error: MWException: Descriptor with no class for realname on ConfirmAccount extension? [15:54:16] to quote what I asked you earlier: what MediaWiki version are you using? what version of ConfirmAccount? [15:54:58] ashley sorry I got disconnected earlier and missed your message. The site is running on 1.37.2 [15:56:12] Confirm User Accounts – (9458ecf) [15:57:40] The Special:Version page is showing 9458ecf under version for ConfirmAccount. [15:59:19] I'm not getting any error on rejecting account request but when I'm trying to accept a request this error is coming up. [16:00:42] it seems that both are relatively recent versions, though it appears that the latest release in the 1.37 (which is now a legacy version as 1.38 has been released) series is 1.37.6, according to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download ; you may consider upgrading your MW to the latest point release and redownloading ConfirmAccount's latest version to verify that the issue isn't caused by an outdated version of one or the other, although...all things [16:00:42] considered, I do think what you have is a real bug, alas [16:01:45] I have another site running on the latest release 1.38 so let me just check if it's working there.