[15:22:51] hey is there a discord server? [15:23:08] also do you guys think a raspberry pi zero could run a local mediawiki ? [15:23:22] k`: yes [15:23:24] To both [15:23:42] although i think it could run it, I wouldn't expect it to be snappy [15:24:27] k`: For discord, https://discord.gg/ZrV2Ex9 . The irc channel is slightly more official than the discord one [15:24:58] loud &clear [15:25:00] thanks! [15:25:23] ive been running a dokuwiki but it'd require some legwork to get looking nice [15:25:36] I think there is some people who run it on a rasberry pi as some sort of outreach program to rural africa that doesn't have much connectivity [15:25:48] figured i might as well use something real if i need to take time with it [15:25:53] I think the biggest problem they ran into was lack of real time clock made things confusing [15:26:02] oh interesting [15:26:30] time gets complicated [15:26:50] i'm just trying to organize a pretty large wood project [15:26:57] for this speciality niche thing [15:27:04] figured it'd be nice to have a wiki for the community [15:27:27] i've never really worked with databases but how difficult do you think is it to get a public facing wiki up and running? [15:27:48] I suspect that there would probably be a lot of settings you would want to tweak. Most performance settings are optimized for normal servers, there's probably much better values for them then the default if you are on something like a rasberry pi, but its a bit unclear which ones would need to be changed [15:28:03] I personally don't think its that difficult [15:28:12] okay, cool [15:28:14] but also im a mediawiki developer, so you know, probably a bit biased [15:28:18] LOL [15:28:25] great [15:28:31] i have minimal python experience [15:28:37] and i know css/html decently [15:28:53] i also run a few debian servers but nothign professional just soem docker instances [15:29:00] game servers, nginx [15:29:03] I think the most relavent thing would be linux command line experience [15:29:08] okay, great [15:29:22] kewlll [15:29:44] if i go public i'd throw it up on my oracle free tier [15:29:58] interestingggg [15:30:07] There's also some info at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Installing_MediaWiki_on_a_Raspberry_Pi [15:30:29] yeah figured that applied to normal pis [15:30:40] i'm specifically asking about the zero which i didn't really find much on google [15:32:03] I don't think the difference would be very much [15:32:36] pi zero is only wifi, which doesn't feel the best for running a "public facing wiki" [15:32:37] the lower memory would probably be the biggest thing [15:32:42] you understand the processor/ram limitations right? err differentiations [15:32:48] ah okay cool [15:32:58] yeahhhhh so actually neat little trick to get around that wifi issue with these things [15:33:04] is to use a google chrome power adapter [15:33:10] yeah. I think 512 mb would still be sufficient, but its definitely less wiggle room [15:33:16] there's a cat5 plugin on them [15:33:23] and then you get ethernet over the power cable [15:33:34] That doesn't make them good :P [15:33:42] lol no but it atleast fixes connection issues [15:33:45] ethernet over power is horrible too [15:33:48] and you might have to more carefully configure various services (db, php, etc) memory limits to avoid running out [15:34:11] ah yeah... so i could do this on oracle but i'd want it to be private and not indexed [15:34:57] i have a real server but i'm already running an instance of nginx and maria [15:35:19] ah wish i could paste pics [15:35:55] would just take some work with docker to get the routing right [15:37:12] hey, im having issues setting up mediawiki. Finished setting up the database. im using the official installation guide from mediawiki.org. i went to wiki.mydomain.com, and nginx just gave me a "502 Bad gateway". checked Nginx logs and there are no errors at all. Note im using the official nginx configuration from the nginx website: [15:37:12] https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/start/topics/recipes/mediawiki/ . im already running a webpage on mydomain.com with nginx so thats why i decided to use it with mediawiki on wiki.mydomain.com too. anyway if you need more information let me know [15:38:16] prizma: have you looked at the nginx error log? [15:39:02] yes i said that i looked at the nginx logs and there were no errors at all [15:39:02] prizma: sounds like a misconfiguration with fastcgi [15:39:24] bawollf, how would i go about diagnosing the issue? [15:39:51] bawolff* [15:40:06] wow, reading the ngnix page. I'm impressed, its more up to date then the official docs, including the rest.php endpoint [15:40:46] And then it goes on telling people to run texvc as sudo, which is wrong in so many ways [15:41:43] prizma: So first off, i would check the nginx access logs to make sure its recording the access the way you think it is [15:42:21] yeah i think its right? [15:42:22] my.ip - - [04/Oct/2022:15:27:18 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 502 157 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:103.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/103.0" [15:42:26] I would also check that /var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock actually exists (and also is the correct name, since it seems unlikely that you are actually using php 7.2) [15:43:03] *7.3 [15:43:20] huh, the php directory isnt even there in /var/run [15:43:45] im on php 7.4 [15:45:05] Do you have php-fpm installed? (That's separate from just php) [15:45:29] also try running systemctl status php7.4-fpm [15:46:59] i didnt have it installed.... was it in the requirements? i guess i glanced over it. anyway i installed it and it seems the systemd service is running [15:47:25] Ah, did that fix the 502? [15:47:49] prizma: I guess, the nginx docs aren't one of our official docs so we don't have much control over it [15:48:02] nope, reloaded nginx and i still have the 502 error [15:48:06] otoh, our offical docs are also pretty terrible, so I don't have much ground to stand on [15:48:41] lol [15:48:48] best unofficial docs? [15:49:04] prizma: Does /var/run/php/php7.4-fpm.sock exist now that you started the fpm service? [15:49:21] yep [15:49:50] And you change the nginx config file to use 7.4 instead of 7.3? [15:50:34] Like i mean, in the nginx docs you linked there is a line: [15:50:35] fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.3-fpm.sock; [15:50:49] but if you are using php 7.4, the version number probably has to be different [15:52:19] Hello friends, I am trying to run mediawiki locally using docker compose. I followed the guide here: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/mediawiki/core/+/HEAD/DEVELOPERS.md but my short URLs are behaving strangely. I.e. if I go to localhost:8080/wiki/Foo, it'll redirect me to http://localhost:8080/w/index.php?title=Main_Page. Any ideas what might be causing this or how to debug it? [15:52:31] ah, you have the eyes of a falcon! i replaced the name in nginx and the wiki loads up fine now, thanks! [15:53:36] prizma: glad to help :) [15:55:31] kindrobot: So assuming you don't have $wgArticlePath set, this is the default if MediaWiki detects that it is using a web server that doesn't support PATH_INFO properly [15:56:27] Which would be super weird, as i think the docker thing uses Apache, which should support that [15:57:01] I can confirm that it _is_ using apache and that the rewrite rules are set up. [15:57:47] kindrobot: Is $wgArticlePath set in LocalSettings.php ? I guess you can try just adding it to the bottom of LocalSettings.php and see what happens [15:58:13] if you wanted short urls like /wiki/Foo you would set that variable to $wgArticlePath = '/wiki/$1'; [15:59:41] That worked! :) [16:00:34] But it should have worked by default (without $wgArticlePath set), eh? [16:02:19] By default, it should be /w/index.php/Foo (Which works without any rewrite rules) [16:02:30] but im surprised that docker doesn't have wgArticlePath auto set up [16:02:35] * bawolff not that familiar with our docker stuff [16:03:15] * kindrobot wonders if she missed a step in the docks [16:05:06] * bawolff is kind of a stick in the mud and doesn't like change [16:05:48] But honestly, i find these dev environments that are supposed to make things simple, often make things more complicated because they can be much more opaque and hard to figure out when things go wrong [16:05:59] wow that's so surprising considering you're on IRC and all [16:06:55] hey, sorry to barge in but i finished setting up and i plocked down my LocalSettings.php into my server, but for some reason no CSS is showing up, its only plain html which makes the wiki unusable [16:07:19] prizma: Did you drag and drop your wikis logo in the installer by any chance? [16:07:26] yep [16:07:31] k`: Why would i use technology that was made after i was born? [16:07:31] is that a no no? [16:07:34] That's almost certainly the problem [16:07:39] ah [16:07:47] prizma: More it causes issues like this (we have an open bug about it [16:07:57] have a look in your LocalSettings.php for $wgLogo [16:08:02] prizma: Also, no need to apologize for barging in, this is the support channel after all :) [16:08:06] you'll probably see a long unintelligable string [16:08:22] My favorite type of string. [16:08:48] i just delete that string? [16:09:27] That'd be the easiest way... Or put // before it to comment it out [16:09:42] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T318753 is the bug [16:10:53] yeah seemed to fix it [16:11:33] Wow, what a feature [16:11:42] * bawolff had no idea this logo dropping thing existed [16:12:04] thanks for your help guys [16:16:49] Do we have a count for how many bugs Jon Robson has caused? [16:17:45] I'm all for breaking a few eggs to create an omelette, but in this case we just seem to have a floor full of broken eggs and no breakfast. [16:18:25] It's wild to me that Wikimedia Foundation Inc. is overrun with middle managers and yet not a single one of them can rein him in. [16:22:41] Quinn: going after people like that is not cool. Talk about the work is fine, but going after people is squarely against https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct (and I'm pretty sure you know that) [16:23:36] bd808: What's an appropriate venue to use to discuss someone who's actively been doing damage for over a decade? [16:23:50] There's a long list of technical bugs and issues he has personally contributed to creating. [16:24:16] Sure, and so has pretty much anyone who has been actively shipping code to the wikis for a decade. [16:24:42] I'm focused on the quality more than the quantity of the code. [16:24:50] I'd rather have someone shipping fewer, better features. [16:25:05] Instead of rushing out bad features that generate community ill-will and set everything back. [16:25:10] MobileFrontend is horrible. [16:25:24] Gather was a neat idea that was implemented and deployed horribly. [16:25:31] Vector 2022 is an abomination. [16:25:39] There's a theme here. [16:25:49] run for the BoT then and help change the culture of the community. But stop making personal attacks in venues subject to https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Code_of_Conduct [16:26:17] And pretending as though the code gets written by some faceless machine is ridiculous. [16:26:28] Where's the personal accountability and responsibility? [16:26:40] Where's the fudiciary responsibility? [16:26:55] Do you know how many millions of dollars have been wasted on these terrible ideas? [16:27:14] * bd808 sees a troll trolling and walks away [16:27:14] I voted in the recent Board of Trustees elections. The whole org is pretty corrupt and awful. [16:28:24] Oops, fiduciary. [16:28:33] again sorry to barge into your discussion but what should the logo size/resolution be to fit? [16:28:46] !logo [16:28:46] The logo that appears in the top left of each page is from $wgLogo in LocalSettings.php. To change this you change the value of $wgLogo to point to the URL of your own logo. See . Be sure $wgLogo is set to an absolute path, starting with "/" (or a protocol "http:"/"https:"). Using pretty URLs a relative path will behave oddly. 135x135 pixels [16:28:56] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgLogo [16:28:57] ah, thanks [16:29:02] Oh, Reedy beat me to it. [16:29:07] It depends which skin tho. [16:29:17] Bryan knows I'm right btw. But he works for the same corrupt org. [16:29:19] So, I get it. [16:42:27] hey another question, can i use certbot to setup ssl on my wiki with no furtherĀ  required setup to my nginx configuration? [16:42:49] certbot in theory will setup your nginx config... [16:43:03] You might want some minor tweaks to your LocalSettings to swap http:// to https:// [16:43:10] alright [16:43:16] well wish me luck [16:43:34] Good luck!! [16:47:29] yep, seemed to work without any issues [16:47:42] guess it was the good luck wishes [16:50:48] Woo!! [17:02:15] is there any security stuff i should really do on the first run or is it fine out of the box [17:06:49] Depends what you mean. [17:07:17] just general security improvements over the default configuration [17:07:31] incase there even are any [17:08:12] well im sure there are but theyre subjective, i mean like just objectively better security improvements over the default configuration [17:09:08] prizma: As a general thing - do not use extension:Widgets or raw html features [17:09:31] what is extension:Widgets? [17:09:46] prizma: Make sure all filesystem access rights are such that mediawiki only has read rights in any directory that can serve php files (so e.g. the image upload directory should have php disabled) [17:09:53] !e Widgets [17:09:53] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Widgets [17:10:22] prizma: its an extension to include html snippets in pages. In theory it can be used securely, but 99% of the time people shoot themselves in the foot with it without realizing [17:10:54] In general, most security risk in mediawiki comes from extensions [17:12:22] ah i see [17:21:24] !security [17:21:24] The manual page on MediaWiki security can be found at . If you believe you have found a security problem in MediaWiki or in one of Wikimedia's web sites, please contact security@wikimedia.org directly so we can prepare a bug fix release. For security guidelines for developers, see . [17:21:47] Some people consider open editing a security risk. [20:17:08] Hey, im geting an error on file uploads: [20:17:08] Could not open lock file for "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/e/ed/filename.jpg". I searched around, made sure my nginx user owned the directory, made sure images/ had 755 permissions and checked both php.ini and LocalSettings.php and both of them allow for image uploads. What am I doing wrong? [21:38:51] Any developers who are proficient with Mediawiki in need of a lucrative job offering? [21:39:47] Why is it lucrative? [21:40:00] Pay would be lucrative [21:40:30] In comparison to? [21:41:29] $50-100/hr USD [21:59:39] "$50-100/hr USD" <- Have a look at http;//wikibase-solutions.com. or start a separate chat with me.. [22:00:56] Okay let me sign in