[03:59:13] I'm following the instruction in the file DEVELOPERS.md, this is my .env file: http://0x0.st/o6vK.txt As you can see there, both MW_DOCKER_UID and MW_DOCKER_GID equals 1000, because that was the output of the commands "id -g" and "id -u". I executed the instructions and was able to visit the URL in http://localhost:8080 . The issue here is that when I execute "docker compose exec mediawiki [03:59:15] bash", the prompt of my shell is "I have no name!@43e42aa5311b:/var/www/html/w$ " and when I execute "whoami", I get this message "whoami: cannot find name for user ID 1000". I can execute any command, but I have a feeling this will cause other issues as I keep working on my development environment, so I want this warning not to be shown. [03:59:25] Could anyone tell me if I'm missing something? [04:25:55] ^ Additional info: If I execute "docker compose exec --user root mediawiki bash", I can login as root, but I'd rather not use this user because I'll be installing packages using composer. [04:26:28] ^ Additional info: This is my first time executing the development environment, so I might be omitted something important.